Swaggermuffin Lives

That's exactly my point: the people are not the website. I'm gay, and yes, there are a lot of awful people on 4chan, we have skinheads here on the AV Club, so should we cross this website off, too?

4chan doesn't deserve its reputation. Certainly it has a skinhead population, but so does tumblr, twitter, reddit, facebook and even the AV Club. 4chan is unique, of course, because (almost) everyone posts under the same username, and because the discussion boards are so broad compared to the walled gardens most

Conservatives are the most thin skinned, irrational people on the planet.


Cringe as a word will be absolutely dead by the end of 2017.

I don't get it. How much acting is too much acting?

Why the asterisk after Trans?

I enjoy listening to Nero's bullshit from time to time, but good lord. Shkreli is a walking, poorly-written political cartoon of a callous millenial moneybag; who in their right mind would hang out with him?

Holy hell, this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. What kind of pretentious asshole thinks shipping your album on four separate disks is okay?

Hey, buddy, fuck off.

I blame you for for this, Bill.


He thinks he's so fucking cool.

The musical sounds like it's gonna be great.

Damn, dude, how young are you?

Love you guys.

Callous assholes like you are how we got into this whole mess in the first place.

"It wasn't me, it was my alter ego Countess Boochie Flagrante"

I don't know where you were going with that, but that's metal as fuck.

Idunno. Something gay, preferably.