Swaggermuffin Lives

Yknow, there's people starving right now. There's kids dying.

we're never gonna get to see human-form Beast, hot and shirtless on the big screen, so I don't really see why I should give a shit.

You guys think too much.

I never see this mentioned, but isn't the Ancient One Tibetan? And isn't Hollywood's biggest market right now in China? I thought China (the nation, not the people) hates Tibet.

I just bought Kokuga for the 3ds. If you like shmups at all, then i wholeheartedly recommend this game.

Honestly, did you even think that was funny?

On the other hand, who's to say a black woman couldn't be the bloodstained dictator head of an imperialist war machine? It's a two-way street.

Everyone acts like Gosling is some kind of adorable baby deer, but the only things I've seen him in are Drive and Only God Forgives.

He lifts a lot of the ideas for his videos wholesale off of forum threads and old creepypastas, and his Game Theory series trivializes more literary interpretations of themes and motifs in videogames (example: Majora's Mask and its dealings with grief and death) and turns them into "JUST A THEEEERY— A GAME THEEEERY!"

The McElroy boys are a gift from god and possibly the saving grace of 2016.

Just pick up a burner phone and make a new account. Not that hard.


I have a personal problem with Matpat.


Having a lot of options and a tight schedule isn't tge worst possible idea, at least. Ever played Devil Survivor? Different kind of game, but you had a lot of characters to talk to and only so much time in the day to do it. The game also had a shitload of endings making it so that your choices matter. Pretty fun

Yeah man, I blew a load to that scene, too.

Idunno, man. Hard drives are still kinda pricey.

Hey, FUCK YOU. I'll let the skinheads have Pepe when I'm dead and in the ground.

Everyone hates the west coast.

He's probably still hot, at least.