Swaggermuffin Lives


same here my guy

I took out a flask when I heard the news and drank to Cooper's win. Then I got yelled at by a rent-a-cop

Unrelated to the article and I'm not saying that this gives the conspiracy theory any credence, but Anthony Weiner posted on /pol/ a little while back. He had a timestamped photo and everything.

What's all this bullshit about it being "simulated?" Just because he didn't stick it in her doesn't mean it wasn't rape. They had her face smushed into the floor.

please, god

I don't know much about music so I imagine a lot of the references on this album will be lost to me, but the nod to Andrew Auernheimer on the tail end of Because the Internet took my breath away when I first saw it. Bino doesn't get enough credit for that.

Is that what counts as misogyny to you? Jesus, don't ever start listening to hip hop.

Is anyone here still watching the Game Awards? Because I am.

Hotline Bling fuckin' goes, man.

I don't recall Interstellar being crap. Or niche.

I don't really think cuck is contemporaneous with GamerGate, because I was still browsing /v/ when Gamergate started and it wasnt a thing then. This was, what, early 2014? When did that blog post about Zoe Quinn go up?

No, you're just old.

I'd like to crush Kanye.

Honestly? A time-compression singularity sounds pretty good right now.

A lot of vaporwave is sort of sight unseen—there's a whole notion of, like, these virtual plazas where we all hang out and lead beautiful, happy lives, sort of how people imagined the internet was gonna be back in the nineties. It gets pretty heavily tied up in the visual aesthetics of popular nineties fashion and…

Yeah, man. I think kids are scary, too.

Thing about "simpsonwave:" it spawned based off a single vine of a single song, Resonance by Home off his album Odyssey. Which is a great song off a great album, but he's said a couple of times on his Tumblr that he really hates the simpson meme because it's turned his music into a joke.

Oh. Yay.

Peter Jackson was cuter when he was fat.