Swaggermuffin Lives

Quit'chyer bitching, limey.

Dumb millennial here — what the fuck's a Colorform?

I watched The Boat That Rocked, developed a huge crush on PSH, banged on a few of his movies, and the next week he was dead.

Ask yourself why. I would suggest, purely selfishly, that you also examine why people might hace reacted negatively to it.

Wait, so he's gay? I'm calling my congressman!

No, that makes sense.

Do skinheads watch CBS? I don't think even the alt right has the patience for garbage.

I started seeing previews for this after hearing news clips about the guy behind the Oculus Rift dumping millions into a Facebook shitpost page dedicated to Kek. So, I was never hot on the show to begin with.

So he's actually sick? What the fuck? I can't make jokes about that!

I installed a wordfilter extension and replaced every mention of Mike Pence with Mike "12-Volt" Pence. I urge everyone reading this to do the same.

Why did hipsters start referring to game mechanics as 'verbs?'

I mean, it did bother me. It terrifies me and I thought I said that very clearly. I thought we were specifically talking about words.

I can't believe they called him a fake goth to his face!

How do you mischaracterize the actions of Darth Vader and Satan? Since when is it our job to find the best possible light you could frame anything a politician says in? As if the alt-right and the GOP haven't made an art out of twisting people's words around.

A few days ago he "came out in support" of trans people using the bathroom they felt they should, by which I mean he basically said, "Eh, fuckit, I guess."

Oh, sweet! I love Shadowrun!

I dug through the B-list of Netflix and watched JeruZalem and Wolfcop tonight. Jeruzalem was shit, through and through, but Wolfcop… was an experience. Not too gory for my tastes (other than the EXPLODING WOLF COCK), and cheesy as all shit. I'm gonna watch it again sometime.

I'd rather be jettisoned into space.

The A.V. Club
more annoying than a dumpster fire
