Swaggermuffin Lives

If you're 32 in late 2016, you were born in… '84?

I don't get you guys. Urban fantasy with orcs and shit sounds great.

Wait, so I didn't just imagine Max Steel as a child?

Hillary's Mei, because she's… frigid, I guess? I don't play Overwatch, I just like the memes.

What the fuck.

I did, and it was a mistake. I miss my Moto X so much.

We keep CNN on at the McDonalds where I work, and he's doing ad for cheap health insurance now. It's tragic, really.

Where's the link Olberman refers to with all the other links? I wanna see it so I can send them around.

It's a talking whale! It's hilarious! Look at his nose!

No one's gonna jack your D because you don't play videogames, homeslice.

Hey there, 2009.

Does Marko get naked or not. If I can't confirm I get to see his swollen, warped physique at least once, I'm not buying.


what the fuck

Why is this only happening now? Why the hell has it taken this long for everyone to get their shit together and publicly denounce trump for the disgusting excuse for a human being he is?

I mean, women shouldn't be leaving the house until they're sold off to an appropriate husband, so why should we be worrying about how other men take care of their property?

Did you? Because I scrolled up and down this comment thread looking for where you named them and I didn't see it.

I keep hearing about Mario 64 mods, and one of these days I'll get around to setting up Project64 and giving them a whirl. Until then, though, I'm motoring through Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. It's… Not as good as I'd hoped, same with SMT4. I guess it's safe to say that the Persona series has established its

If I can't confirm there'll be a shirtless, musclebound CGI Marko Fenix, then I'm not buying a ticket.

Who's the other two?