Swaggermuffin Lives

Picasso was kind of a dick.

I caught a few episodes back in high school. Max was, as far as TV characters go, the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm still waiting for another example of a gay man that isn't saccharine, campy bullshit.


I'm sure ABC will handle it with all the tact and nuance with which they handle their gay characters.

I've been listening to these articles/playlists as I work, and I just queued up the March Caprice from the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack (from the article about credits music), and I'm about to start crying at my desk.

I have a friend who does powerlifting - he's huge, he's built like a brick shithouse - and we went to the mall one day, and we ended up looking at caps. We were looking at NFL smapbacks, actually, but the only thing he could find with hats that could fit his head was a Cubs cap

I don't browse any of those websites and I despise all three of them. What's your point?

Don't tell me how to live my life.

Do Trump supporters even like his family?

There's a guy in my networking class who refuses to buy Oreos, and he's very vocal about it.

So when two people have a similar opinion, it's collusion?

I remember this exact thing coming up two years ago, except instead of refugees, it was men. There wasn't mainstream outrage press back then.

I'm powering through the Phoenix Wright games (which will probably take me more than a weekend). I… Don't remember needing a walkthrough for these games.

Lena Dunham molested her sister and wrote about it in her memoir. That's not relevant but it deserves mentioning.

Pretty, white victim narrative.

One thing I've always loved about the series is how, through each spinoff and successor series, the games's visual aesthetic has evolved and formed a sort of narrative linking them all together. Mega Man Classic's games were shiny and chrome, bright and cartoony with fresh paint and bright eyes. X took that in a

How nice of them.

It's fitting, I guess. The Hillary arrow was… threatening, to say the least.

It's a shame there's no plans to add more games, or a shop where you can buy some. Shatterhand, Batman, Metal Gear, that bootleg FFVII… Not to mention the excellent romhacks of games like Mario and Zelda and Final Fantasy. But, I saw this, and my first thought was, "I could get my mom and sister to play that with me,"

Sam, do you always have to be nasty and sarcastic? This is a genuinely good thing on all fronts, and here you are shitting all over it.