Swaggermuffin Lives

Imagine racking up tens of thousands of dollars in student loans to get a degree in journalism and then writing articles like this.

I keep coming back to the line about "gaseous clouds of green energy." As I recall, it was blue lightning. Like, even from a pedestrian perspective, how do you confuse that unless you haven't even seen the movie?

I think that's exactly who this movie was made for. If you're not a fan of the series, you won't like the movie. If you are a fan of the series, well… You still won't like the movie because wow it took a hard left with the plot

Definitely not feeling you on this one, Mr. Dowd. I thought it was great fun, if a little messy; Durotan and Khadgar were standouts, and I thought the orcs looked more real than the humans. Besides that, it was nice to see high fantasy on the big screen again.

I mean, this goes back to another question: are all depictions of attractive women terrible? I'm a gay man, so this really isn't something I spend much time thinking about.

It's a Blizzard game, it's good, it's had an open beta for a good while now, and it's got Tracer in it who is beautiful and perfect and I will marry her some day

I'm one of the few people in my generation that grew up with a NES, and all my friends thought i was crazy because that shit would happen to me.

Going for the visual treat is basically the only god reason to go. I was big into Kingdom Hearts when this movie came out,and they basically do the same things for me: filler stories with iffy characters, but boy howdy are they fun to look at.

Holy Hell, Internet.

well it looks like you've got enough to share, so

My brother and his girlfriend love this movie (EDIT: I meant the first one). They've got this whole fucking Wonderland conceit to their relationship; he calls her Alice and she calls him Hatter and they make stupid instagram posts about how wonderful things are in Wonderland and they sit in my basement and smoke weed

And thank God for it.

It's actually a very mom-and-pop thing. I read an article a while back about a lady in upstate New York (I think) who makes Klan robes that she sells for money to take care of her crippled daughter.

And it works!

Didn't Patton Oswalt make a joke about this specific thing in his last special? How kids shows could teach kids how to make pipe bombs and about the dangers of race-mixing, and parents will sit them down for a half-hour or two because they need to get the laundry done or something.

Which is worse: racism or smugness?

Jesus Christ.

Hey, FUCK YOU, The Lion King is my favorite.

What are the chances we're gonna get hot, humanform Beast in a storyline that doesn't involve him turning blue?

there's pretty much nothing anyone can do to take the gas out of the beyonce hype machine