Swaggermuffin Lives

No no no no no no no no no! P3 IS THE BETTER GAME. Please, please stick through it; I've played most of the SMT umbrella series and P3 is one of my favorites. Persona 4 is just… Too chipper. Its massive success has pulled the entire franchise in a different direction and the games are suffering for it.

I mean, shit. Even if it's a fucking mobile game, with a pedigree like that, they can't fuck it up, right?

when are we gonna get the weird clickbaity ads on How To Be Natalie Dormer

I mean, that's the kind of shit wacky people say, so it's pretty safe to assume he's wacky, too, but… Eh? There are more words in the dictionary to describe fucked-up people than "misogynist."

Lena Dunham is an incestuous child molester. That's important.

There's, uh… a lot of porn of Ron Perlman.


So is jealousy and unrequited love in general just mysoginistic? Is that the lesson here?

It's got a bite to it. "Fucking woms."

Black ones, to hear him go on about it.

I didn't get the chance to comment early on this one when I had it and now I'm PISSED AS HELL because i'm missing out on upvotes


We know it's you, Josh.

I really hate speaking out against the police, because I have a lot of respect for the armed forces and the danger they put themselves in… but Jesus Christ. This is quite literally a hit notice. The FoP sounds like a mob.

Breitbart is fun sometimes. Correction: Milo Yiannapoulos is funny sometimes. He can be sexist (or at least he plays the part for clicks), but he's hilarious, and good lord he's charming.


I want to have his babies.

got any other pull quotes that no one said

This is what America needed: a panel on human decency at the convention that turned homeless people into Wi-Fi routers.

I mean, he looks like a game show host.