Swaggermuffin Lives

careful Buddy. might cut yourself on all those edges

I hope, someday, I'm famous enough to get someone to write a memoir about what an awful shitpile I was.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Who wants to listen to an accusatory, condescending prick?

Side note: they're expected to do british accents for practically everything else.

"Preconceived notions of people are suprisingly wrong and stereotypes based on racial and ethnic identities are problematic—" holy shit, put away the thesaurus. This is why no one listens when we talk about this stuff.

And don't they prefer to hire guys, even overseas, who can sound "American?"

The movie looks like it's gonna be mediocre, and there was some thing earlier this year where the new cast went to visit a children's hospital that seemed kind of manipulative and shitty.

Didn't Seth Rogen go off on Ben Carson on twitter? I don't like either man, but I can imagine that didn't help the numbers.

"via Buzzfeed"

Stop posting youtube videos and do your job, Joe Blevin.

Witcher, because if I didn't have a toaster I'd be playing it too.

I'll be playing Fallout (the first one) if I get the chance. The mroe I hear about Fallout 4, the more convinced I am that it's going to be a thoroughly disappointing experience, so I'm going to the start of the series to se if it's any better.

Wait, whose kid is Amanita Nightshade? Is there some famous poison-mushroom monster I don't know about?

Let it die.

This is how it starts, y'know. You jump in at the casual end with P4 and Persona Q, and then you're digging through the older titles like Nocturne and Soul Hackers. Next you find yourself exploring all the branch franchises like Raidou and DDS, and one day you wake up after scouring the internet for a day and a half…

What the hell was that jab about volunteering in South Africa about, besides being petty?

I was gonna make a joke about how internet feminism is going to absolutely rip into her, proving her trepidation related to the word entirely valid, but it looks like you guys have that covered.

Do all of those letters mean things?

iPod Touch. It's an iPhone without the 4G.

They profit off of my misery, which is to say I bought an iPod a couple weeks ago and i've been regretting it more and more since.