Swaggermuffin Lives

No, don't google it! That's the whole point!

Speaking as an American, I think something more needs be said about the shit you people get up to in your boarding schools.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Am i the only one who wanted to bone John Goodman?

Welp, fuck.

With all of these analyses, there's an underlying subtext that I'm pretty sure everyone knows, but I think bears repeating: the melancholy was never intentional. The idea of using barebones mechanics and minimal presentation to create a feeling of isolation and despair is exciting, but the games that intentionally

What, you guys don't like Dan "Rough Rider" Schneider's quality programming?


hey there buddy. pal. hey dude. don't you think you should uh. don't you think you should calm down there huh buddy pal

Anita Sarkeesian is a liar and a manipulator. She does not play videogames or like videogames, and has said so numerous times as if her videos weren't enough proof of the fact.

I remain thoroughly convinced Carl's Jr. is a mass delusion, and only Hardees is real.

Aaand they go fantastic with ice cream!

Keep up the snark, guys, but let's not pretend like we're not all gonna download it on Day One.

There was the father with his kid, mind.

hburr durr fire is bad technology is scary and thomas edison was a witch


If anything's ever sounded like corporate mind control, it was this.

Jesus Christ, Alex. Jeremy is about a kid who shoots himself in front of his class.

What ever happened to Steam curating the shit that gets published on their store?

Please don't try to defend Slave Tetris.