Swaggermuffin Lives

Is the current Bond no good? I haven't seen a James Bond movie since I was a kid.

At the McDonalds I work at, there's different menus for each category of item: Lunch, Breakfast, Value Menu, McCafe, Desserts, Happy Meals, Specials, and Condiments. Lunch, Breakfast, Desserts and Specials are so big that there's a Lunch 2 and a Breakfast 2, and so on and so forth.

As a McDonald's employee: FUCK the breakfast menu. So GODDAMN confusing. There's a button for almost every combination of ham, sausage, eggs, cheese and some kind of bun, except for the ones where there's not.

Wasn't there an alcoholic centaur who played tech support? And street gangs, and more organized mobs, and the Russian mafia. I'm just saying, these books aren't that YA.

God knows I was following the twitter beef like it was the world cup.

I don't get it.

High School shakespeare is literally the worst.

At least let it be useful. If I'm going to be submitting all of my information to the corporate botnet, the least they could do is help me find some decent Chinese.

One of the original members of the group is a personal friend, and she's a little sensitive so I'm afraid if I just leave the group, she'll take it as a slight, so… I'm stuck with this shit popping up in my notifications and on my news feed.

sorry for upsetting you

I saw this in a Facebook group I got invited to called No Limits Geekdom. The whole group is full of such entry-level, basic-bitch shit that I don't even feel comfortable posting in it.


BLUE DEVILS SUCK GO TARHEELS or something i dunno i don't follow college sports that well

I'm gonna beat this horse till it dies, and at this rate it'll be years.

The lacrosse team? You mean the whole rape scandal? You may not remember, but the plaintiff Crystal Mangum was found to have lied about the whole thing.

I checked the list. Murgatroyd doesn't even place.

What the fuck am I looking at?

Five times in the history of the award, if I'm not mistaken.

You're telling me that EVERYONE in those categories was a card carrying, woman hatingv racist? That's a little far fetched.

So instead of giving out awards to people they disagreed with, they just didn't give out awards at all this year? I dunno,that seems kinda fucked up to me.