Swaggermuffin Lives

Get it right away. I was iffy on Millennium Girl; the story was boring and the grimoire system wasn't great. 2 has addressed all my complaints and then some; I can't recommend it enough.

She's still a hell of a lot richer than I'll ever be.

Co-Optional is fantastic, as is anything involving Dodger, Jesse and TB. There's always Game Grumps, depending on how far you're willing to stretch the definition of podcast. Beyond that, well… there's plenty of great co-op let's players on Youtube.

I'm playing a shitload of Etrian Odyssey II Untold: the Fafnir Knight. For those unfamiliar, it's a dungeon crawler for the DS, heavily inspired by Wizardry and games like it, where you have to use the second screen to draw your own map. It sounds daunting and tedious at first, but it quickly becomes one of the most

Which people have done!

Would you believe there's not as many black people in Europe as there are here in the States? It's true!

Do they pull words out of a hat to come up with new shows?

I want you to know that you were wrong in thinking this was a good time to ask.

The last Jersey Mike's I was in had rats in the lobby.

"Fire up an emulator"

1. This is someone's fetish
2. Freudian slip?
3. I wish I was that famous and also a girl

We know it's you, Chinese Room.

The question becomes: is Christian Donian buddies with the guys from Chinese Room?

You and I know that's not true.

It's time we had a talk about the shit you whack it to, Dikachu.

I bet he is.

Anyone else remember the Time Cube guy? Getting the same vibe here.


My mom and my sister tuned in to the first hour expecting to see shitslinging and fun. They switched over to Netflix after that.

It sounds like you didn't even watch.