Swaggermuffin Lives

That was gross. I feel gross.

PSA to all thin girls: you should feel bad for being healthy. You're making fat people look worse by comparison. Shame on you.

I'd have a hard time working with a man named Scotchdopole, too.

Goes to show you how well this show is doing.

I think partly it's because the AV Club came out swinging about it over a year ago now and we've heard no end of it here since.

I cried like a baby over Coral dying. That's still the first thought that comes to my mind when I think of Finding Nemo.

Do you think we could convince a studio to go through with that? Asking for a friend.

Seriously, though. Those things are great.

all i'm saying is not everything is about gender


I've got a copy on my coffee table. It's not for reading, of course. I just want to make sure people know how progressive I am.

i'm so proud that we live in a country where we're finally not afraid to call out how culturally insensitive the fucking minions are
this is what real progress looks like

She seems pretty chill about the whole thing, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of me launching a character assassination campaign on twitter.

Neither the article nor the comments were worth reading. I feel worse.

Sure, but when I do it, it's "scary."

So what we're really saying here is, there's no reason to watch Crackle, right?


"I'm more of a Rah-Yoo guy."

That sounds like a pretty wild conspiracy theory.

More men with punchable faces, I think.