Swaggermuffin Lives


Limbaugh, I presume?

Jim Gaffigan is doofy and not the world's most attractive and yet I want to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane

Isn't there a version of that theory for everything?

What the fuck are you getting at?

I'm still not entirely alright after last night's episode.

If you feel like giving it another shot, the DS had an absolutely fantastic library, especially if you like JRPGs but also in general. You might find it worth your while to emulate first.

It's something I've never understood, and I've lived in the South as long as I've lived in the States: why is there such emphasis on "Southern heritage?" My family and all all my friends on Long Island can tell you exactly where their families came from: Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, France (not as many French).

See, that's what I find so intriguing. Trump doesn't even low-key hate brown people, he'll get up on stage and announce it. And apparently that does resonate with a large portion of America; that is to say, we're still in a society that sees them there colored folk and thinks, "criminal."

Certainly the quality hasn't been up to par.


Way ahead of you.

Please, don't apologize. Humor's a valid way to cope with grief.

Maybe it's too soon to start speculating, but where does Nintendo go from here? Iwata was there for some of Nintendo's biggest successes, but in recent years they've been struggling. Who's next in line for the corner office?

No. Papaya is, apparently, a slang term in a dialect of Spanish for vagina—and let's be honest, there's not a lot of Cubans in America, and anyone in Cuba who's seeing Minions has bigger fish to fry/won't be heard if they complain.

"John, what is this? Do we have people writing fan-fictions about us?"

Hey there, 2005!


It's become the Pepe/Feels Guy of moms. Like what Pinterest was to Tumblr.

I mean. Shows like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe are more popular with adults than kids, some would say because there's a depth and resonance to those shows that grown-ups can identify with.