Swaggermuffin Lives

What's this shit about "alleged" death threats? It's 2015; are we seriously going to pretend there's a reason to doubt he got death threats over his statements? I get death threats on a weekly basis because of unpopular opinions on videogames.

You're not allowed to talk about women on the internet, ever. It's a rule.

What, uh. What does "engage the snares" mean?

Wait, what? That's literally the header to my tumblr.

Sidebar: I've never seen a selfie stick used in real life for anything other than a group selfie.


Can we send that in somehow? I'd love a curated series.

Not gonna lie, it's become a little difficult for me to take anyone seriously who talks about trolls. If this movie is bait, it sounds like Katie bought it.

Well, that's shitty.

You've got a stronger stomach than I.

F reviews get the clicks.



Ouya can't wrap your vision in 3D-projected, immersive Loli Yandere Simulator 2014.

"Stop watching capeshit. It's garbage and we all know it."

"i'm sorry professor but i just can't do this ten-page report on euro-african cultural relations. it's cultural appropriation"

I don't even know at this point. Here's a man who has been "convicted in the court of public opinion," as it's been put more than once on this website, of dozens of rape allegations. But I feel like—and I don't like tossing this around lightly—I feel like we're watching a man falling into dementia. Is it really worth

That's me he's talking to in that last clip.


So what you're saying is, you think people who take issue with things like a complete lack of protections for male rape victims, an education system that is leaving boys in the dust at all grade levels, and a court system that punishes men far more severely than women across the board, are worse than Nazis,