Swaggermuffin Lives

Speaking as a gay man, I still don't know why people get upset when they hear 'faggot' on a hip-hop album. Especially from someone as signaturely abrasive and vulgar as Tyler.

Chris Gethard nails Danny Devito

Sometimes I wish I had the stomach for horror. I found out that It Follows has a soundtrack by Disasterpeace and I really, really want to go see it, but I know I'll end up screaming and throwing up or something.

You literally could have put the name Disasterpeace anywhere in this review and you would have sold me. Fucking love that guy and all of his music.

the score by Disasterpeace

The inevitable question in my mind when it comes to anything anyone ever posts about Gamergate is: which side are you on?

That was lazy.

I'm surprised no one's complained the whole fetishizing midgets thing.

Plarp Barp: Beep Borp

Holy shit, is that jaw real?

Should people be held accountable for years-old, one-off jokes they made on Twitter? Are we really in a place as a society where it's acceptable and valid and necessary to dig up shit about people that might have been construed as offensive to certain groups of people, not necessarily groups we even belong to?

Holy fucking shit, who cares. Literally everyone reading this has said some nasty things on social media, myself included. People's opinions are allowed to change. This is nothing but hypocritical and whiny.

Let's not pretend that doxxing and harrassment as a practice will ever stop happening on the internet, but to outright condone it—in any circumstance, and especially as a silencing tactic—is abhorrent. People are attacked viciously on the internet for the most absurd of reasons and often no reason at all. Lives are

Unilaterally. That's a terrible thing to say.

"Poehler or CK was realistic, but had CC caught Schumer a year earlier - very realistic. Now she knows she can make movies.”

Speaking as a homosexual, I'd fuck a bigoted Hoosier too.

This is what happens when you don't keep the Gayes in check.

Has anyone pointed out the fact that Melisandre is not dressed for the weather?

Wait, what? I thought this show got cancelled a year ago.

I suppose it does.