Swaggermuffin Lives

I think we're all a little scared of the Gayes.

I think you've got some emotional baggage you need to sort through.

The song was catchy and I never got why people were so upset about it THERE I SAID IT

Why do we hate Kevin Smith again?

Here's hoping. I'm all for a good, funny Ghostbusters sequel, but there's a part of me that worries he's just banking on the fact that people will defend it simply because there's women in the lead roles.

Maybe, just maybe, people are less mad about the fact that you're casting women in leading roles than they are about the fact that you're probably gonna make a shit movie.

Do I have to?

"Taint bandits?"

Did you really need to link to cornhole? Are there people in America who haven't heard of it yet? I don't think those are people who have internet.

For a moment I thought it was a crossover episode with House of Cards.

We're still doing weekly reviews for The Big Bang Theory? I haven't watched it in a couple years; are they still playing off of irritating, dated nerd stereotypes and sexist notions of women in "nerd spaces?"

I'm triggered by your username.

I saw "Avatar Land" and immediately thought of Summer Wars and got real excited for a second.

Good to see you had the irony game on point, even in the sixth grade.

"Quick" question, hah. Good joke.

Please don't tell me Aykroyd's gone nutty, too.

Of course he did. Of course he did!

I watched The Boat That Rocked/Pirate Radio last night. Still not sure what I think about it, but it had some moments I'll remember for a long time. I'm jamming to the soundtrack right now.

Nothing like watching a shitty movie drunk and with your friends.

end this shit right now