Swaggermuffin Lives

The biggest issue I had with Skyrim was how lazy it was. Tonnes and tonnes of promised content either half-done or cut out, awful writing (sadly par for the course in this day and age), repetitive, boring dungeons and an anticlimactic story.

Whatever it is, please, please, PLEASE let it be on a new engine and not another modified version of Gamebryo. The beast has run its course, Bethesda; let it die.

It's the Grammys. What the hell do you want?

Isn't it a little early to be crying misogyny? We don't even have a plot besides the one Barsanti made up, and since when is it sexist to have female antagonists? I think it's a little more misogynistic to imply that women can't be antagonists.


BREAKING NEWS: Pop music celebrity Taylor Swift may not actually be as personable and friendly as she appears in magazine interviews. Could her endlessly repeated statements about the personal connection she feels for her fans in fact be false?

Speaking of, has anyone here switched entirely to antenna and web services? We have Time Warner here, and while the service hasn't been this terrible (to be fair, the few occasions where we've had issues they were very helpful), it's getting too expensive to be worth it.

Anything could have better dungeons than P3. And as I recall, in P3 there were consequences to pursuing more than one woman at a time.

Nothing lost, mate. Persona 4 was a cash-grab harem anime.

I want to have his babies.

Oh, right, I forgot. Men are base and vile creatures and need to be controlled lest their violent urges get the better of them. Sorry about that.

Assault, especially domestic violence against women and rape against men, are chronically underreported. So, yeah, probably.

So do I.

I don't have the numbers at the ready, but a staggeringly high percentage of physical assault and murder victims are male. Upwards of 85%, if I remember correctly.

I believe what happened was, people wanted a way to talk about actual men's issues like suicide rates, custody discrimination, prison sentences and the like without being associated with what MRA has come to mean now. So someone created "meninism." And then Reddit found it.

Not all men.

It's more along the lines of suicide rates, murder rates and things like that. Actual issues that get buried under bitching and moaning about a Super Bowl ad for whatever the hell Always is.

I'm detecting sarcasm, but I don't know why.

Fuck you.

Is this the part where we all gripe about how, if we were in his situation, we'd handle it better?