Swaggermuffin Lives

Thank you.

Everyone can call themselves anonymous, and anyone can call anyone else anonymous so long as we're on the internet.

That's not my point at all. Did you read what I wrote?

She's a white foreigner in hip hop. She's worse than Hitler.

How do you know they're white and male? They're anonymous.

There's always a group of people on the internet with enough time on their hands to devote to celebrity Twitter wars. Never doubt that.


Every time I hear a story in the news about something "Anonymous" did, I laugh. Oh, no! Anonymous posters on the internet have threatened a celebrity! We have no idea who they are, but we're against them!

"All-Star team of freelance terrorists?" So basically Metal Gear Solid?

Last minute pump for Beyond Good and Evil, because that's what took my breath away this year. Just because it's over a decade old doesn't mean it's not brilliant.

Isn't that the chick from 2 Broke Girls?

Not much has thrilled me this year, honestly. I played The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, and it was good, but I played much the same game two years ago. Pokemon X utterly disappointed me.

Much as I disagree with Ted Cruz on his politics, I can't help but feel for the little tyke when he looks sad.

You can't just say thaaaaaaaaaaaat

Guy on the right is cute. That's the extent of my opinions about this show.

Who's gonna be the first to adapt Material Design for their football HUD?

Can someone explain to me what butt rock is?

You're not wrong.

Is this some kind of TF2 mod? Looks kinda crappy.

Then you haven't been on Tumblr.