Swaggermuffin Lives

Let's bring back "Is there a god?" That's a fun one.

Of course it's not a coincidence.

I'd like to take a moment to applaud this article for using the word "meme" properly for once.

I'm pretty sure that word has stopped meaning anything.

Are we just going to leave out Tumblr?

Undoubtedly. "What does Ellen Page bring to the role of Han Solo?" "I'm all for representation and standing up for minorities, but isn't creating an obvious fanservice matchup like this detrimental to the quality of the performance?"

Ha, ha! Oh, that white male comment was true wordplay, O'Neal! I don't think anyone's ever thought of that one before! You must feel incredible now that everyone sees how witty and progressive you areā€”and you should!

"One would think that Great Britain's mercantile navy was recruited solely from her orphan asylums!"

The movie comes out on my birthday. The only present I was hoping for was that this movie would be shit.


Wait, what? I thought that movie was pretty okay.

I think the whole "if we didn't mind committing mass murder on an unprecedented scale" bit was supposed to be the part where you realize it's a joke.

It still won't bring Parks & Rec back.


I'm waiting for the part where they blame the Jews.

Kickstart it!

Ben Stiller is an old guy trying to act cool

I picked it up on Steam this morning expecting more of a documentary than a game. Looks like I won't be disappointed.

Gleeson's dropped out of acting and is doing humanitarian work, now.

Isn't he a cocaine addict?