Swaggermuffin Lives

My biggest question is this: how thick is the dwarf ass. Juicy dwarf man butt is the feature I got the most out of when I played through the original, and I want to make sure I'm going to get the same return on my investment for this one.

Chris Pratt can be whatever the hell he wants.

I found the Hold Steady a few months back with Stay Positive, and I've been working my way backwards and forwards through their discography. They've become one of my absolute favorites.

Idunno, man. I mean, I thought Deadpool's whole schtick was that he was a dick.

I am firmly agin' him.

That's the thing, though—even those of us taking the "innocent until proven guilty" side are thinking he's a scumbag, in the back of our minds.

No, we don't.

I know nothing about James Corden and I've seen nothing but complaints from the Brits in the comments, but he's chubby and cute and I love him for it. He probably will because contracts or whatever, but I hope he doesn't lose the weight.

well given the fact that he was bigger than a 737

Take a page from the Millers, A.V. Club: fart jokes get old quick.

I watched the original on night on a stream with a bunch of shitposters from a certain anonymous image board.



I know, right?

He cut himself off mid-sentence, is how I'm choosing to interpret it.

People have mailed other innocuous stuff like toilet paper, too. It's a cute way of saying "we have your home address."

It's a cute way of saying "we have your home address."
And the syringe could have been filled with poison or drugs or God-knows-what. That was a joke, right?

There's a large part of me that wants this to devolve into so-bad-it's-good territory.

Pro-gamergate (I really hate that term, but it's the only one I've seen so far) writers and journalists have been mailed syringes and cheese pizza. I would say those threats are a little more tangible than death threats on twitter.

I always thought those were cute.