Hay un lugar especial en el infierno para ellos.
Hay un lugar especial en el infierno para ellos.
He did! Spoiler alert: it was almost ruined by a woman the kids thought he was marrying that turned out to be his sister (special guest voice Jane Lynch).
Florida might be crazy but it’s a different kind of crazy. I mean, for the longest time the state motto of Alabama has been “49th in everything - thank God for Mississippi!” Seems like they’re endeavoring to go for the even 50.
Former (Central) Floridian here:
People have told me, here in Alabama, that my ex hit me because I don’t believe in Jesus and that I am going to turn into a lesbian because of that.
Alabama and Mississippi have always been jockeying for worst state. Florida is the craziest state. It’s also terrible. But not as bad as those two.
Arthur is still on! I loved that show way more than my kids did. They’re teens and 20s now, so it’s been a while. I’m happy Mr. Ratburn found love and is married. I hope he had a spectacular cake!
Alabama is truly doing its best to claim the worst state prize away from Florida. I feel almost progressive living in NC by that standard.
All of this, and also: if the only remedy available to you after an awful violation is money, then is it reasonable to accept money rather than get nothing? Yes/no—either answer is valid. People sue for “pain and suffering” all the time, and that’s the premise.
It’s such a frustrating accusation, which all survivors of sexual assault face, that they are coming forward “for the money.” First of all, you don’t have to be a victim yourself to observe how terribly victims are treated when they go publicly. Secondly, even if they were coming forward “for the money,” so what? That…
Annabella Sciorra’s story gave me the chills, the hair on my arm is literally standing up. Fuck everyone who is getting ‘tired’ of the #metoo stories.
To rape apologist assholes who whine,”Why didn’t you come forward when it occurred?” They didn’t even go to the police and look what happened to their careers.
EVERYTHING is projection with this administration. Including “the deep state”. These guys are the deep state.
For profit detention centers. Look at the glossy investors folders. Someone is always getting rich from others misery.
They aren’t humane, concentrating any human being into an overcrowded shelter because they violated some inane non-sensical law which turns walking from one side of a desert to another into a crime.
America has fallen way too far. It’s never going to recover from how much hate is being displayed here. These are grown-ass men in their 30s and 40s who are so afraid of a 10 year old child, they need to ambush her at a hospital.
Racist, hateful human beings. There are plenty of them. If the guy who masterminded this grew a conscience and quit, someone else would be ready to take his place.
What kind of a human being can continue to be part of this organization? How unfazed by human decency? Unfazed by the line between right and wrong, good and evil, American and un-American values? When they go home at night, what must their families think of the work being done? How does this speak of us as a nation,…
Honey, you can sail serenely away at any time. Pick an issue that’s not abuse-related (clean air laws, for example) and send some letters to your Congresscritters! It’s an insanely useful thing to do, and doesn’t require you to read about men abusing women, except in a corporate corporations abusing the planet-type…