
Nowhere anywhere does he say inferior. I certainly don't think that, and I haven't heard any serious person currently discussing these sorts of things say that either.

Sorry I just don't see how examining gender differences in way that allows your company culture to interface directly with you is misogyny or bigotry. According to Damore the memo wasn't even an issue until it was leaked to the press and he had experienced statements of support from colleagues and good employee

He literally said nothing in his memo nearly "advocating for all the reasons women shouldn’t be engineers, and calling for an end to the company’s diversity policies in favor of more tolerance for anti-diversity advocates like himself." He posed questions and sought to explore traits that "might" possibly explain why

Yeah this is a stupid article. For one criticizing a show as glorification of an abhorrent institution before we even know its point of view. Two, I cannot think of anybody living who would defend slavery today as a golden age lost. This makes it sound like white Americans are longing for a return to antebellum

So you're issue is Trump and that body slamming dude won so we don't care? Two recent examples with a multitude of reasons contributing to their victory in excess of Trump said some BS at a rally and this body slamming happened the night before the frickin election. Fine they shouldn't have won but whatever people

Well it must be nice to live in a world where you see one side as a monolith for tyranny (which you want to then copy) and the other as a bunch of naive little angels in spite of recent events in Berkeley and Evergreen College and the demonstrations nationwide this past weekend and frickin this morning. I'd say good

To not hate each other based on how we see a given issue. To solve a multitude of problems because we aren't deadlocked over whether or not I see abortion the same way you do. Kinda hard to listen to somebody's grievance if they are swinging a cane at you.

Hahahaha the attack on Charles Sumner that's your go to example. Look I've never said people who used aggressive rhetoric or acted out violently didn't on occasion win elections. Andrew Jackson by any measure was a monster but he was extremely popular. I just think we should have higher aspirations. Evidently you

So you what, want to follow his example? That doesn't make any sense, on the one hand you condemn republicans for violent rhetoric and on the other you want to emulate the few examples you can cite where people won elections in spite of their aggressive behavior.

Well whatever then keep putting people in categories for vilification, historically nothing bad has ever happened doing that.

"Be nice!" is old-world thinking.

Well I can't help you then bro, good luck with a fight your destined to lose. Last I checked most military professionals, law enforcement and responsible gun owners vote republican. If you want things to turn ugly you can bet the side staffed mostly by whiny college kids is gonna get a swift reality check. I'm

Yeah amazing that trite soundbite wasn't effective. Repeating that ad infinitum isn't a policy argument. I'm just saying neither is calling Trump Putin's "cock holster" or whatever.

Yeah well maybe make the point the point in a way that wins people over to your side. Maybe I'm old fashioned but calling somebody an a-hole or some variation doesn't really make me want to listen to you.

Uh well in this case its the guy who shot up a baseball game because he disagrees with their politics. But yes in general both sides need to calm the fuck down.

Well this thread turned toxic quickly. How about we just say that rhetoric on both sides is out of control (because fucking obviously it is), and we not assume that our genuine policy disagreements come from hating somebody who thinks differently. Out near where I live a kid nearly had his head caved in by a college

Isn't Pleasantville kind of the (very) softcore Pleasantville? It's literally about all the teenagers banging each other and the central housewife diddling the local fry cook.

Obama's communication director also resigned within the first 3 months. Simple truth is there's a lot of turnover in WH communication department understandably. Obviously you guys aren't the only one's hyping this as some bellwether or exodus but a little context would be appreciated once in awhile. Obviously

Well there are people and in this case I do know some of them who genuinely like Trump and and were critical of me because they saw my lack of enthusiasm for him as supporting Hillary. I should also point out I experienced the reverse as well, by not voting for Hillary I was endorsing Trump's abhorrence. I'm not too

I didn't say I only focus on taxes and my guess would be neither do most republicans. As I said I didn't vote for Trump but I certainly don't dislike anybody who did purely based on that choice.