
Well a knob from you're point of view. Regardless this is a special election for a republican seat in a reliably conservative state, being dismayed by this result as some sort of indicator of public willingness to reward bad behavior is not a good barometer in my view. Can't argue with the less taxes comment because

Little misleading here, more than 73% of the states absentee ballots had already been cast so it's impossible to say how many of those voters approved of his actions. This idea that republican voters are unconcerned with the decency of their candidates strikes me as overblown and disingenuous especially in this case.

The movie may not be good (to nobody's actual shock or dismay) but at least it's steering into the skid of an admittedly ridiculous concept. These AV Club reviews are so self-serious and eager to call out appropriation this or outdated gender politics that I don't really trust them anymore. It's gonna be dumb, I'm

Nobody is being stripped of their healthcare. They are creating a separate fund for individuals with preexisting conditions and promoting greater competition in the hope it will drive down premiums (which have skyrocketed for ACA exchanges). This is a first draft that will definitely be tweaked by at least the

I get that a lot of the attendees are (maybe) entitled dicks with too much money but they are also totally entitled not just to complete restitution but also punitive action in whatever dollar amount a court decides. There seems to be on here "well these kids are dicks for having disposable income" which is to put it

His handshake style…his handshake style. We have an article about how aggressively he shakes hands and vague guesses as to Merkel's mindset from her body language in a one minute clip. Well okay then excellent click-bait I guess. Just to be clear Merkel is an idiot who has at every turn exploited the German

This seems a little thin

Jesus Christ, if this and the New York Times piece just posted are regarded as tributes for one of your own I don't want to even think about what you will say about the opposition. This is garbage plain and simple. I am a conservative and I can summon a great deal more praise for Alan Colmes than you guys seem to

I never said I endorsed the use of identity politics on either side.

Jihadism and Political Islam are two sides of the same coin. One is the organizational framework of an Islamic State and the other is the necessarily militant means of attaining it. I am not saying Muslims can't or shouldn't be allowed to practice their faith outside South Asia. I oppose any attempt to ban a person

I don't expect Muslim's living in fear of reprisal should repudiate their faith or the militant members of it. That is essentially Maher's point as well it's not possible or safe to do so. I'm not afraid of Muslims nor do I hate them I just don't think we should be called Islamaphobes for talking about how political

I see absolutely nothing Islamaphobic about what the above former Marine stated. If your talking about what Maher has said about Islam or by extension guests like Sam Harris or Ayaan Hirsi Ali I don't consider being critical of certain aspects of Islam to be Islamaphobic either. Just as their criticisms of

I think the response you're still searching for is "hey that's pretty horrible that this is going on, maybe we should talk about why that is."

Scahill is the embodiment of every left wing delusion regarding America's benevolent hegemony. Milo isn't what conservatives should aspire to be but when one side plays identity politics you teach the other side to do so as well. I'll watch because there's an opportunity to broach new ground between Maher and Milo.

Way to dodge a nuanced first hand account of cultural crimes by making absurd generalization. I applaud your commitment to feigned pluralistic outrage.

True Lies is fucking great (not better than Speed) but yeah… you're right real middle eastern terrorism really dropped off the map following that film. Jesus c'mon not everything needs to be retconned through some SJW lens.

while I appreciate the critique of my word choice. Basic can also mean unsophisticated in this context.

Cool, your losing.

No was merely making an observation. Attack Trump all you want, I didn't vote for the guy. I just think these kinds of jabs are basic and boring.

Oh good another jab at Trump on what used to be an entertainment site. I don't like being in the position of seeming to defend Trump but you guys are wasting your time with this. Which is odd because I used to be the one who came here specifically to waste my time. At least try to keep "hey this celebrity had this