
I supported Rubio and voted for McMullin. But good that you're getting along with people more now.

I never said I supported Trump, I wanted Rubio and voted for Evan Mcmullin. I like that we have a Republican majority in both houses but I have concerns about their willingness/ability to hold Trump to account in the next four years. For now I'm content to wait and see what happens.

I enjoy a good joke review of a silly nonsensical product as much as the next person but this whole thing seems a bit stupid and petty. As much as I agree that our current POTUS can act like a toddler even he's gonna get wise to this game pretty quick. You might derive some marginal satisfaction from it but really

Trump is an idiot man-child who can't take criticism and probably harbors some autocratic sensibilities but I refuse to take the side of people who insist he should be treated like a leper everywhere he goes. I'm not voting for him (I'm an actual conservative unlike him) but for a lot of decent Americans he's their

Well this article did clarify something for me, I can skip anything written by John Teti.

Well since Teti doesn't appreciate equivocation I'll just spell it out…Kaepernick is an ignorant thoughtless cunt. He can sit or kneel or do whatever he wants during the anthem but his statements justifying his protest and his continuing to wear cop pig socks during practice betray the fact that he's neither a deep

"13 Hours is slow to get going and interminable in its final stretch, and its politics are bogus at best; perhaps the point is to put audiences in the mindset of the eye-rolling adrenaline-junkie, secretly hoping that another Toyota Hilux will round the corner, so that one of the contractors can say “Are we expecting

So putting aside Chris Kyle's kills, he was shot twice, survived numerous IED attacks, two helicopter crashes, voluntarily served 4 tours and was awarded 2 Silver Stars and 5 Bronze Stars with valor for saving who knows how many allied lives in addition to a fair number of Iraqi civilians I'd bet. Not to mention his