
I tried that he won't do it.

Alright then I've made the arguments your free to stop attacking me anytime you choose.

literally in my first response to the article itself I included one of his paragraphs at the end

Whoa okay easy fella. I have commented on AV Club before as you can see, just not a lot. I really don't know how terrorism applies here but clearly you need to go for a walk or something. I'm not shit posting or trolling I just thought the above article was disingenuous in it's presentation. I'm not forcing you to

I gave a citation up top.

Well I think it's clear I don't think he's campaigning to keep women out of Google and I think the memo makes that clear but okay if that's your interpretation. Maybe tell me which misogynists you mean, because so far I've only seen his interview with Jordan Peterson who I'd vehemently disagree is a misogynist.

I haven't gone through all the comments. I know sexism has been a problem in Uber and Google being sued currently for wage discrimination. Which may tie into Googles overreaction and characterization of Damore's memo. If your asking me though are people like Damore the problem then no I don't think so.

haha I've never heard that term before. Anyway I'm just responding to comments to my comment. I'll probably have to stop soon but if you have something worthwhile to say and a few people have (not you) then by all means say it or don't say it. I don't care.

well ok fair enough I don't comment a lot that's true because usually people don't have the patience or interest in a long form discussion. Which I understand I suppose, I should actually be working right now.
I don't know what MRA is…so there's that

Since I've said I've read and you don't seem to understand that, maybe just gimme which line says "Google shouldn't hire women"

Men and women are equal, that's been my whole point. I don't give a shit about tech or where people choose to work. Saying people see the world differently based on experience isn't an accusation or criticism of some immutable characteristic. If women gravitate to professions other than tech who really cares. I

Well I think this has been a good example of creating the kind of dialogue suggested in the memo. Obviously we are all different in how we approach a problem or circumstance hence why he argues for more individual attention and less focus paid on group identity. Glad you finally got there though,

only if you think the male or female approach is superior. Which I don't. Good ideas are good ideas, I don't care what your sex is.

Not whining, I don't really care what you think about me because I'm just trying to have the conversation. I don't really care who he talks to either.

The point about finding other avenues is probably a good one. I don't work at Google so I can't say how open or accepting they are of these sorts of claims. Damore's comments in the memo and since seem to suggest not very but I can't say for sure. There firing of him certainly was a political mistake in my view

I'm really trying to be polite and responsive here. I don't typically read Breitbart and didn't vote for Trump as it seems group identity is the most important thing to people attacking those defending the memo (which again I've read). It's objectively true that men and women approach and examine things differently

Well when people are determined to misrepresent your ideas (above article) there's not a whole lot you can do.

Obviously I've read it since I quoted it above. Again he was attempting to explore historical and biological differences and offer potential remedies outside of simply saying, more diversity because it makes us look better. I'd wager that's the part Google took umbrage with. The memo's message is let's evaluate

He never said better or superior, a lot of the traits men just generally exhibit hamstring them in ways that are just as concerning as the memo points out. We all maybe express ourselves indelicately at times and in ways that make it easy for others to pigeonhole us. A desire for exploration of these issues is the