Norby's Road Beef

I do not care one iota about croquet, but I still could not stop reading this wonderful article. Great writing!

Shirley you can’t be serious?! Man, son you need to relax!

As a Yankees fan, I often wear an O's hat.  Mostly because I just like the duck.

“Was she really that late a bloomer at the top?”

You can’t spell Edwin Diaz without IED!

So now he has three different colored eyes?

Pitino: Any other questions?

That’s what I do cuz it’s sterile and I like the taste

We don’t need to watch every tape” - Robert Kraft

but did she pop the ollie off of some hot bitch’s tits? i think not...

a team that has been getting thoroughly owned by the fucking Padres.

You have the endorsement of this Clevelander. Sure this is the greatest promise the team has shown since they returned to the league, but it’s potential not-suckiness, not post facto. Lest we forget:

God the tremper trantrum I’d have thrown if one of those kids were mine.

Shoulda been you, Coach K.

I broke Wayne Chrebet’s nose in college, then made him dance the watusi in front of my girlfriend.

Of course he doesn’t remember, but I mean he wouldn’t, would he?

That’s Bad Newz.

Commitment to Excrement 

Warsaw that as “bulge from Poland”. It Krakow’d me up.