
man, my downstairs neighbors are going to be PISSED when I buy this.

I like how fox told this story as “CHECK OUT THIS DUMB LIBZ GOT PWNED BY A FAKE PIC!” when the real picture is just as, if not more, disturbing.

That’s not exactly fair. He’d probably behave like a turd whether or not he felt life had taken a dump on him.

I was excited to see a gas station close down and get torn down with new construction in its place here.

that all depends on:

I think Thursday is the day they wear white Nikes and make apple sauce.

By the same token, it’s super hard to engage in reasonable, good-faith discussion while being accused of being in league with the literal devil.

Ya’ll are making Moses super pissed right now.


I sure wish we’d do something like that here. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a couple gas stations, yet they can’t stop building new gas stations here. For a city slightly smaller with a third the population of Petaluma.

Whenever I’m on an expense account, I do the opposite, constantly paranoid that I’m going to get in trouble for abusing it.

I was going to ask what you got for a $700 steak dinner.

May 2021: “The sequel is basically finished, I just need the green light from WB to go ahead and release it.”

Eh. Cavill on screen has the perfect amount of charisma to play The Witcher.

Wait, pulled-together team of superheroes loses to badguy in movie 1 to set up movie 2 with some time-travel hijinks to end up with superhero team beating bad guy and saving existence?

Coming in 2035. Maybe.

A few weeks ago when we had a Chrysler TC by Maserati up, I said I’d hold out for a real Maserati.

File to: Hand-pushed Railcarlopnik?

Some committee of boomers trying to imagine what millennials would call a store.

I had an LG OLED for a couple years, got rid of it a month or two ago after the new motherboard went bad again, and neither LG nor their parts distributor offer a warranty on it.