
I guess a WW3 just doesn't excite me, haha. I'd rather watch what new multiplayer efforts are being made, etc. I still think if they were going to do a story mode it would be better to release it in chapters so it doesn't get stale so quick (IMO one play through is usually enough for FPS war games). That also doesn't

Its true, there are some bad players out there, but I will take random human action over a singleplayer AI any day. Also, and I know this is going to sound really crappy and probably be argued, but when consoles went online that is when the immaturity overload hit MP games. Don't get me wrong, there were immature

I'll just get it out of the way: I am a BF fan (doesn't necessarily mean I will love BF3 - I refused to buy BF:Vietnam and the BC2 expansion), so if that already irks you you can skip my comments.

I hate to be that guy, 'cus I groan when I read it too, but there have been a ton of spelling and grammar errors lately. My grammar and spelling may be terrible, and I'm sure I use way too many commas and that someone will point out all the errors in my post, but I am also not a full fledged website with editors.

Why is the option "Nintendo's Online System/Strategy" not in the poll? Cus that is the worst. (I'm a Nintendo fan too)

That might be the best ad ever. HAHA! Just think if it was upside down.......

Sony's usual problem IMO: Flooding the market with their own competition. I know that sounds odd, but they pump out so many damn variations of things it just gets to where I think most people are confused and the other companies simply have one selection most of the time and maybe seem confident? It's hard to explain

Looking at the "featured" comments........maybe Kotaku should just stop the commenting section altogether. Or at least not feature random threads with no relevance. Is there a bickering filter?

Can I turn my phone on and mail it around the world and then use that as an alibi while I rob banks?

Bad Company 2 PC and beer......a good mix

This would be wonderful BUT a pain in the ass seeing as how netflix can't do a simple auto-play queue that seems pretty effing easy to implement (Hulu is free and has it). Also, I would just watch Amelie all day.

I have a feeling our internet bills are going to shoot through the roof when we can get a hub-like program to stream from the official sites of the channels we like for like $1-$2 a month (which is what is starting, it's just not there yet all the way). I would gladly pay Discovery Channel, Comedy Central, and maybe

Nay. I highly doubt a tablet will be replacing a wacom tablet and a huge screen any time soon. Sure, it's nice that PS is on tablets and I'm sure it would probably do what most people want it to do, but real designers will be using real implementations for their work and large files. I see what you are getting at,

I could see a game like Gauntlet Legends made in the God of War universe. Just with better moves, a more coherent story, and perhaps since it could be multi-player over different monitors it would obviously follow your character instead of all 4 or so in the group at once on one screen. Would be a neat attempt if

Is that Murray's friend Greg on the right?

I switched from Verizon to Virgin Mobile (basically Sprint's network) for $25 a month unlimited data/text and 300 minutes (which i averaged about 140-200 a month on verizon). Best decision ever. Android 2.2 phone and a $450 bill for the year (Phone price + $25 a month) It's only 3g (and some say not even tru 3G) and

I just got the LG Optimus and virgin mobile $25 a month unlimited plan, so none of this matters at all....with the price of the phone included I will spend $450 this year, thats like $37 a month (granted with 300 talk minutes, which luckily I never use) for unlimited everything but talk. I learned to sacrifice my need

Or I could just watch Mystery Science Theater at 11 o'clock every night before I fall asleep.....

I have limited reading the news and stopped watching news shows and I have to say you get like 50% happier immediately. Talk about depressing, yeesh. I still read the paper a few times a week but man, ignorance is bliss. No deaths, wars, economy jargon, "celebrity" news, etc (of which, and lets be honest, about 98%