
I switched from Verizon to Virgin Mobile. Currently rocking a Samsung Galaxy S3 and loving it. Coverage is NOT as good as Verizon (it is the Sprint network basically) BUT I rarely call anymore, so unlimited texting and data for $35 is amazing for me. I did the math for my sister's plan vs mine (she is still at

I can't understand their release date schedules...it really feels like these game should probably have been ready to launch the system or been out in like May. I haven't gotten a Wii U yet because NONE OF THESE GAMES ARE AVAILABLE.

I'm disappointed as a Nintendo fan. It seems like the PS4 and Xbox will have more games

I am failing to see the point of releasing a system in 2012 when all the games apparently weren't going to be ready until late 2013 - early 2014

—signed, Disgruntled Nintendo fan

NEWSFORCE now on PS4...

The first four episodes are a little jumbled/stilted BUT 5 and on are great. I'm biased I guess because A) I love the show and B) it kicks off to me when Tobias and Gob get their episodes.

Totally agree with everyone that 2-4 are kind of disjointed and, well, just sort of odd. Make it past those though and it is pay

30 year old ex-Mormon (well, ex-religious) here. Quit when I was 12 (after being asked if I wanted to go to church anymore). In all honesty, I think all religions should be heavily scrutinized by any and all media. Just like most religions would scrutinize, well, anything outside their religion. A lot of nice people

man..."short" bursts of 2-3 hours? That is alarming. I'd consider 45 minutes - 1 hour short.

There was a program named Linkway I used to do animations on in school that I miss dearly. Or at least wish I still had the animations. I also miss 16color.com

google x360ce. It is an emulator that makes most controllers emulate XBox controllers which are what some games flat out require. Download it and put the exe in the same folder as the program (so usually in the programs(86)/steam/steamapps/common/"game name". Then run it and if you look there should be profiles for

This might not be the place to ask, but what is now the best way to strip the remaining songs I have that iTunes DRMed for free so I can finally get rid of iTunes? There used to be easytunes or QTfairuse or something but I think they got stopped.

I JUST got back into BF3 actually, but I only have B2K expansion. My name is "BumpusHounds" if ya wanna add me!

I've had way too many screennames but my favorite, and I realize how asshole-ish it was (which was the point, to annoy), was "[Look]AtTheGuysBelowMe". I had to use Look as a clan name so it would all fit but it was fun being on the leaderboards of the server I frequented for Battlefield Bad Company 2 (I was number one

I'll get trashed for this but... I just can't get into these films. There is too much staring at the screen with dramatic music. They are just...I don't know. So washed out IMO and bland. They just aren't fun to me. They aren't horrible but for me there is that gap that is almost worse than horrible where you just

I love the layout of the review with its images. More interesting than a boring paragraph with some smaller photos to click.

Wow...thanks for this site. I LOVE their layout for the review where it shows nice images that fill the screen instead of just a ton of white space. I'll have to check it out more often.

I'm sort of wondering where Nintendo goes from here. Will the next system have to change the way we control games? They have motion, touchscreen and old controllers so far. SO they are kind of running out on that front. They could do a Kinect-like device but that would be following a lead and it doesn't seem like

There's no comments but mine here because the only link for this is under the Gizmodo review if you guys didn't know!

Also, even Gizmodo's review is up already...

Yeah, other sites already have reviews up...what's the deal?