
I haven't hunted much, true. I have done plenty of target/clay/trap shooting. I much prefer a bow and arrow personally, cus it just feels like you accomplished more (even though some of these new-fangled compound bows seem like friggin' guns). What I am saying is, well, go shoot targets if you want to shoot something.

The Marketplace is a mess organizational-wise IMO, so anything could be better.

That's not hunting IMO. That is closer to fishing. In fact, most of the "hunting" I see anymore are mere tricks on animals using scents and hiding and souped up weaponry than hunting. When I think hunting I think something trailing something and taking it out with good skill. Not waiting for a duck/deer/etc to walk

I really want to attempt this when I have the money to take that much time off work and the mindset to be away for 3-6 months.

I just can't imagine not using the analog stick.

I don't understand their showing us the previous clips and not this first. THIS sells the game better. I'm still waiting to see full-on multiplayer before I really make a decision (although I'm a BF nerd, so it's kind of already made). I understand teasing and building hype, but come on, the video they officially

How about controls? Anyone have any say/experience? Touchscreen sounds terrible for gaming


*applauds* Thank you. Far better for people to read.

This is just an attention whore. Kotaku would be doing us all a big favor by not even reporting it. Yeah, we want game news and this qualifies, but I think if you took a vote 99% of us that comment and frequent your site (and disregard its terrible new function/form - for now) would probably recommend you don't give

Noted. I shall create a memo to go out for the whackos immediately and mark your improvements in my ledger. You keep this productivity coming and there is no reason you shouldn't be made a fellow soon!

Please, people, and I am not trying to make light of this guy's insanity and people he hurt at all, but do us a favor when your crazy gets out of control. If you're just going to spout things out that people will latch onto as the cause besides the simple fact of you being inhuman and psycho, simply print this list

He's probably catering around L.A. "ARE WE having FUN yet!?"

Sony is making the mistake again (and again, and again...) where they flood the market with so many models and versions of things that it is impossible for them not to seem either like they are feeling out what works or just have no idea and cast a wide net. Not only Sony mind you, but they do make so many models of

Agreed. Just read my gizmodo posts on the matter. Tablet isn't as portable as a good smartphone and half as useful as a laptop IMO. I'm glad it has its niche, but I'd rather have more resources spent on better notebooks and phones.

Agreed. Also, sometimes there is a need to upgrade a website. This seems like it was made for tablets or something and not anything else. Everyone has the first kinks and things when a site upgrades but this really feels like a step backwards IMO. It seems messy, but most of all, it seems unnecessary. Can we get used

@im10horses: I like your honesty. Give him a star

Just throw them one coke bottle and we could fly the plane around and watch an adventure of some white people and a tribe getting into hijinks South African style

@Brightmotor: They probably feel duped by their real estate agent for getting them a village under such heavy traffic.

I'm so jealous in a way. I mean, we have great lives, marvelous inventions, and can see the entire world on a screen. BUT, they are so lucky to be cut off from us at the same time. Depressing/exploitative news jammed in your face, crappy "pop" music, utility bills, Joey Lawrence, wars, the end of Mystery Science