

I am really hoping for big things with this game. I love Bad Company 2, flaws and all on the PC and I'm really hoping they pull their head out of their @$$es for this one. There are so many "why did they do that?" things wrong with Bad Company 2 because of it's port nature to PC. I've had every Battlefield game

Man, I wish the Dreamcast would have pushed through it's failure. Besides the controller I loved that system. Check that, LOVE. Still play it every once in awhile (MvC2, Worms Armageddon)

Wow. I was thinking (dreaming I guess) of paying for the phone with a plan, having the dock be an accessory ALWAYS (like not part of any plan or anything, just like a cover or car charger) for like another $150-200. It is a brainless dock with a screen and they want how much? If Acer or anyone like that is smart they

This makes me want to see what movies of mine aren't outright "remixed." Maybe Session 9? Donnie Darko? The Wicker Man (Original, come on)? Science of Sleep? Let The Right One In?

only a matter of time before they complain about the wait at a DMV and airport security. And also, we should send them one tv, one generator, one DVD player, and a copy of the original star wars trilogy so it will be all they ever knew....

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: I still think it's just a neat-factor for now. The only thing you said that I will agree with is that I wouldn't probably read with a laptop/phone over a tablet. But even then, I'd rather have a kindle or something or the actual book.

@dgstan: haha. What's also funny is that all these tablets will have to compete with cellular phones and cars for oddest/"original" names. The names always crack me up. I mean, the iPhone is suitable, the Droid makes sense, but then when you just start naming things like verbs and odd nouns.....it just gets funny to

Again, I just don't see a need for tablets. A smartphone is far more portable and does the same things. And it is a phone. If anything, the Atrix is a good deal i think. If it can function well as both a smartphone and a netbook (again, why, but we'll overlook that for now). Other than that, there is no point. My

@Jekku: The film is phenomenal. I own and cherish it. "CONAN! What is good in life? - To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of da women"


Your move, Japan.

@sandorasbox: I played the first PSP. Maybe it was the discs, sony memory sticks etc that just turned me off.

@Exkaiser: well hell, where did I miss that?

I feel like the PSPs are just too complicated for a portable. I know, I might be wrong and they might be very pick up and play, but to me they seem complicated. The power is always impressive but I don't really care about it, ya know? It's a handheld. I would care if it was that powerful if I could hook up it up to my

So drop the PS3 prices again!

What contents cause it to rocket it's way through your GI? We need to harness that. We can switch off of fossil fuel some day.

@Rauno Villberg: I know, right? Maybe he made an album that can be shuffled, not one for a Shuffle. I kind of think whomever wrote this has never used a Shuffle.

the shuffle is the best iPod IMO. Has actual buttons, you don't have to look at it to use it (while jogging or anything) and it has survived being washed by me TWICE. Only Apple product I like. But I'm not putting these songs on it.

So wait a second, my Verizon contract is up already this month, so I can take my number and use it for google voice? So I don't need a phone plan at all? Do I need an android phone if I wanna use it better (texts, etc). I guess I'm not fully understanding what this means. I don't think I'm the only one by looking at