
And Nintendo laughs at the greatest "Girls with Low Self Esteem" fight ever!

Windows 7 is better IMO anyways without looking like a Mac (which it definitely cribbed from). This seems pointless and would be like dressing up your dog as a cat.

@kingcrim84: haha. Mr. Show...now that I miss.....

@NanorH: I still have my original copies. VHS tapes recorded from Cinemax. I grew up on those with tracking problems and all.

Honestly, Star Wars in HD doesn't sound appealing to me. In fact, I'm sad to say Star Wars itself has lost its luster over my lifetime. I grew up addicted to it (born in 82) and waited for like 8 hours in line to see Phantom Menace. Now, whenever I see Star Wars at all I kind of just peruse or skip it. I have fond

@sugardeath: I don't want to but at the same time I feel like I am a normal person and some people deserve second chances. My regretful one is my first and only DUI. I wasn't like swerving all over the road or anything. I just got pulled over for making an illegal left turn (which was legal at the time I did it...Lane

@MJDeviant: I say this as someone who has spent 13 days TOTAL in jail. It was boring but doesn't really teach you anything or "fix" you more than knowing you did something wrong. I know if I had A LOT of jail time like some people in there (6 months) maybe I would change my tune but I think the ankle bracelet and

They should drop the punishment to ankle bracelets and then increase the time of punishment. So you could take the ankle bracelet with its curfews and restrictions for a much longer time or just go to jail. I would think most would prefer the former over the latter. Felonies should be automatic jail but all

Hopefully when it sees someone trip it knows to launch off them!


I never fear for my bank account. There isn't a lot of drugs or women to be bought with 78 cents.

This seems like another halfway step that isnt needed like the iPad. More power to them if they make millions off something unnecessary.

My Droid has yet to update to Froyo though I think I read there were a few issues they fixed and made a newer release for this week or next.

The Hangover 2: Chen On the Lam and the Legend of Curly's Gold

I actually bought the disc for this game when I didn't have internet. MJ Zombie FOREVA!

I really hope Battlefield 3 doesn't try to take after this. We'll leave that to Medal of Honor.

@Ghostnappa9001: It works even better if you put a baseball or something on the desk next to the monitor.

It looks like a weird female egg getting impregnated by the escaped ghosts from the time "dickless" Walter Peck shut down the power grid and freed all the ghosts in Ghostbusters 1. Yes, its true, this man has no dick.

Maybe the patent was for a program that makes black and white outlines of pictures and makes them look patently.......

Madden 64: The Best Madden