
@MJDeviant: If your life is terrible you can grab onto anything. Just have to know what you're escaping.

You can get addicted to anything that isn't your life.

@MJDeviant: I just hate Apple. I was trying to make that a joke.

He fails to see that someone who owns an iPad or iPhone probably at least has money they can throw away.............

@MJDeviant: I was kidding with my first paragraph, hence the throw up.

I find it fascinating. I mean, this could be good or bad depending on the tiered pricing. There is an off chance we could all save money by being on the lowest tier depending on how they ration it........(I almost threw up a little)

Soooo.......Battlefield 3 comes out when?

Fly's eyes are the Bees' knees!

@ModernBawhair: I remember when I was in school. I only had sex with bad parents...wait a sec.

Abstinence: Not How You Got Here

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: Teach them that sex comes with annoying nagging before and afterward and the threat of little annoyances 9 months later.

Where does the motion control relate to abstinence or anything? This will do the same as a 5 minute video from the 80's. Stupid.

Now playing

I have a feeling they will be working on this

1.These fortune 500s now know that I like flight of the conchords.

My solution would be to find a way to make a magnetic property to the oil. Like making a dust of something that not only bonds to oil but has magnetic qualities. Then it would probably be easier to handle. Anything like that exist? DIBS!

@crimsoneye: My empty bank account is exactly like it used to be. I'll take that million please!

I'm a super on and off gamer. I have droughts that last for years. I find more and more that I just play them at night when I can't sleep, when it is raining or just between chores. For instance, I'll walk the dog and throw a load of laundry in. While the laundry is doin its thing I play, then continue with my day and