
Makes me want to jam out to Homework and Discovery. I still hate "One More Time" though. Daftendirekt, Around the World and Something About Us are my faves.

Instant purchase.

If you stare at it like you do a magic eye poster something happens with some of the characters. I'm not kidding. Stare at the enlarged code and look past it/cross your eyes/whatever you do and it works a little.

Annnnnnnd scene.

@MJDeviant: glad to see people know what I'm referencing. If not it just looks like jibberish haha

@dosdelon: I thought that was the Droid at first.

That damn Enigma from Batman Forever is at it again!

Hey kid, Imma iPhone. Stop all the uploadin'

@MJDeviant: I guess I feel like we are going sideways with this stuff instead of forward. I don't know what the hell I would consider forward but these just seem like different takes on the same thing.

Mouse + Keyboard = great for typing and gaming

You know, you are basically carrying a small laptop/netbook in your pocket. You should probably treat downloads like you would for your home computer. I recommend Common Sense v2.1, a free App by Life.

it's a huge witching stick/dowsing rod and it goes crazy because it has found too much water!

"COME ON!" - Gob Bluth referring to yet another better magician, an inanimate object.

He probably just went to a computer and and started saying "Enhance...enhance......enhance..."

@That Guy: I believe TNT played all those all the time when I was younger. I miss those days.

Frick a fracka firecracka shisk boom bah, Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny, RAH RAH RAH!

Didn't hurt cigarettes.

When I see these fans I just want to dunk the front of the ring into a bubble solution. Somebody please do that and lets see some awesome huge bubbles!

False iDols?