
With the difficulty identifying it do to picture quality, no idea on scale, hard to tell what angle the wrap around is, and lack of identifying marks. Maybe it would be worth building a quick 3d model of alongside a ruler for scale .shouldn’t be difficult at all. Though would probably need better pictures or someone

NP all day long, coolest car ever.

I think partly because the people who bought a tdi weren’t as worried about having a green car from the beginning or they would have gotten a hybrid or something. mostly I think it doesn’t matter to the owners as much because they really are spectacular engines for a daily driver. My father has a 2012 tdi golf (2 door

I’d bet alot of jalopniks could take care of both a minor electrical drain, and figure out how to get some tires to hold air.

We so needed to let a few rich old dudes have private f14s. Then I wouldn’t have to contemplate a visit to Iran just to see them fly.

A revolver rack full of cruise missiles. America!

I think the 4 door short bed makes an excellent do it all vehicle also, just depends what you really need. If the truck is not a dedicated work truck I actually prefer the short bed.

I think the ability to takeoff and land unassisted is important too.

Tell me about it. After twenty years of driving a manual, one of my newest ones has some fancy hill hold feature, feels wrong somehow that the thing doesn’t roll backwards on hills.

And a shop full of proper tools! The proper way is in the driveway with jackstands and whatever tools Walmart has. Builds character.

My other though was, I wonder if every customer with a car over 100k gets asked to sign one, or is it just the ones the don’t want to work on for whatever reason.

Yea you can’t just buy the ammo for these things. And anyone who can make there own shellls for it, can probably return it to a fireable condition anyway and if you have those skills, you could probably come up with something pretty dangerous without resorting to using a 75 year old relic to start with.

yup, if your wearing proper gear and you are injured in a motorcycle crash, ill feel sorry for you. but if you don’t care about you, why should i?

And my first thought was. Gee I know where there’s a whole hellcat drivetrain I could pick up for $25 +30 plus say another 15 to get it all nice and together (I’ve got the space and tools to do most of it so that helps) would probably be one fun ride.

I’ve found for those situations, a second battery does wonders. I’ve got two in my off-road toy, I just use a basic switch on the dash and I swap between them every tank of gas or so. This way if I’m ever camping and leave the lights or radio on, I can be sure it will still strt to get me home.

I’ve found for those situations, a second battery does wonders. I’ve got two in my off-road toy, I just use a basic

And if we’re talking about the basic sentiment, I’m convinced it’s much older than that. Probably at least Roman times, I know they had sayings like when the money runs out the happiness ends. And things like that anyway.

I know this is old. (Not 20 years) but if your really interested you probably want a thing called a Hobbs meter. Hook up to a 12v source that’s on with the ignition is the simplest to hook up(though you then run the meter if your just using the radio) but there are a ton of options.

Yea, in my mind ideally I guess it would be some compromise. Something like a set percentage comes out automatically for the most necessary or beneficial programs. The rest you get to pick with, and you have to pick it all you don’t get to keep any. I mean I’d rather give my money to schools and NASA, then most of

Yea, but I figure even the craziest proposed programs would get some money. I think it would be interesting. I mean we should try something new at this point anyway.

Excellent ideas, I’d like to see a line item budget system. Something like everyone pays whatever their percentage is in tax, but you get a choice what that money goes toward. Even if you had to mandate a minimum percentage for schools and roads, defense ect. At least noone would have to put money toward a program