To be fair, the boxes of parts look like spares. the pic shows the motor together in the car, and the intake at least in the box is a different one than the one on the car. I always appreciate a box of spares parts with my old car purchases.
To be fair, the boxes of parts look like spares. the pic shows the motor together in the car, and the intake at least in the box is a different one than the one on the car. I always appreciate a box of spares parts with my old car purchases.
the motors themselves are mostly fine. The timing system is usually what kills these motors. the timing system is abnormally complex for a basic american motor. it requires pulling the heads to fix which is a pita and costly in shop hours. usually easier / cheaper to just swap in another. on the plus side there are a…
mr2 turbo is an excellent choice.
disconnecting the front swaybar gets you some extra suspension travel (articulation) for going over irregular obstacles. at the cost of on road handling.
to be fair, automatic disconnecting sway bars are actually a thing. it surprised me also, power everything I guess. America!
You would not be a self-indulgent wiener, sir... You’d be a connoisseur.
fine. no COTA. cheapskates.
i dont have a build thread online, sorry. and this is the only pic I have on my phone. I’ll try and remember to reply with some drivetrain pics this week when i get home.ahome.and a build list. but it’s a pretty standard build. manual 2jz stock ECU. custom driveshaft.Nissan diff and custom axles. are the main parts.
agreed. except for the too much power part. stock us models were what 75hp? mine was kind of a dog stock. especially with the non od trans.
including drivetrain.
I’m not sure which camp i’m in.
it is a “baby ferrari” right? I also like to engine out for those hoses.
But even if modern passenger cars were designed to be able to handle that abuse, would they not last even longer if you maybe let it warm up and cool down first?
I just want to point out that it’s entirely possible the civic wasn’t actually a stolen car.
I hope that goes into effect soon. I hate the damn inspection.
In Texas anyway there is no emissions test for diesel passenger cars. So that might make things a bit easier.
I believe they are trying to have the cars autonomous, with a remote operator that takes control in certain situations.