I have almost no friends on Yelp because I don’t have any desire to cultivate a Yelp following but my five or so reviews are the TRUTH and the world should listen.
I have almost no friends on Yelp because I don’t have any desire to cultivate a Yelp following but my five or so reviews are the TRUTH and the world should listen.
Also though, there are myriad examples in the animal kingdom of males taking on a (human-perceived) “feminine” appearance, females taking on human-perceived “male” roles, males giving birth/ caring for babies, same sex partnering and other such fuckery of our bullshit notions of gender and sexuality.
Pissing off their friend and friend’s mom versus their friend being dead...the former seems like winning to me.
Not their fault that she died, but at least call her mother right away and say “your daughter just walked into sub zero temps wearing no clothes, you might want to get her”. We are all ultimately responsible for our own actions if we’re mentally sound and old enough, but that doesn’t give everyone around us a free…
How do you know she was binge drinking? The article and her friends indicate she had stopped drinking in December. And if she had been and was visibly drunk, that’s even more reason her friends should have gone after her. Not their fault that she died, but at least call her mother right away and say “your daughter…
I’m buying my first house for $350k just outside of NYC and it’s nice as hell—I wouldn’t exactly brag about the price, but if you can get something decent for that price here, I’m sure his house actually is impressive. I don’t even know what text is being referenced though and I hate that fucking rat-faced prosecutor,…
Why is no one talking about that God awful video?
About 11-ish years ago, my ex-girlfriend was leaving early to fly home for Christmas with her family. I woke up to say goodbye, then laid back down to go to sleep. After a few minutes, I felt something weird and opened my eyes slightly—plain as day, standing at the foot of the bed, was a little girl in a white dress…
Nixon toasted him in 1972, not 71. He was born December 25 of 71....just your friendly fact checker signing off.
Sigh. “You have to have babies. You’re going to have babies right? The best thing you could ever do with your life is babies. Why don’t you have babies yet? So sad that she’s 39 and doesn’t have a baby. Hooray, you’re finally having a baby!!!? Enjoy your three weeks off with baby! Please don’t bring that baby in here.…
While I disagree that the NYT article was baseless and destructive, because there are clearly abuses in the industry, I do think the salon owners have a point here. Corporations get away with paying college grads and interns NOTHING - particularly in the publishing industry. The salaries I had to hire some people at…
Obviously truth to this, but a BIG part of the problem is guns, no? Like - it is easier to pass gun legislation than it is to eradicate misogyny and toxic masculinity and bullying and to drastically improve mental health detection and care. So...it kind of is that simple. Maybe once we’re not all being shot to death…
I’m liberal. A lesbian. Feminist. Pro-choice. Etc. - but why would the Pope NOT meet with Kim Davis? He met with a Spanish trans man - invited him to the Vatican, paid for his trip. He pleaded for a convicted conspirator to murder. If the Pope is truly meant to live in the tradition of Jesus, he counsels the most…
Given one minute, on the spot, on camera I probably could not have come up with five white actors, cuz I go totally blank when put on the spot. So...I think this is a little unfair and a LOT of stretching for a story. Tina Fey is hardly the enemy because she named an actor who has played 1,000 Latino roles as a Latino…
Ok, but. Devil’s advocate here—and I’m very pro-choice, please know—but, I’d really like the people in that video, or doctors who know, or someone, to explain what actually IS going on, because as someone who cannot walk past a baby bird that dropped from its nest without rushing it to the wild bird fund only to be…
I saw a bear shit in the woods recently and was around the same amount of shocked as when I read this headline.
I know the staff of The Stonewall Inn and they have made it pretty clear on social media that no one was ever consulted about the history of the bar and none of it was filmed on site. There are still people who remember Stonewall alive and kicking - one of the coolest, Storme Delarverie, died just a couple of years…
This is all well and good and..whatever...except that most of it is not a true representation of how the majority of our food in America is really made. If it was, we’d all be a hell of a lot healthier, and we’d eat a hell of a lot fewer sandwiches. Maybe that’s his point? I don’t know. It seems like his point is to…
Stirring the pot, but while I agree that drunk college girls are horrible and generally unfunny as hell, it is possible to be a drunk college girl who abused alcohol to the point of pissing in a yogurt store and not be an addict. College people tend to go through periods of abusing alcohol, and it can be dangerous and…