
Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.

is there any chance that Tyler Hoechlin was tom’s stunt double on that film? because, i mean...

I was going to say this, too.

I am frankly pissed off that I did not know this before this week. I assumed - you know what they say about assuming! - that public statues of this sort MUST be unique, handmade artworks (despite representing something terrible). On this basis I ASSumed that they had some merit that made them worth saving, if only in

My top 5 ST movies, in no particular order:

It also hits my pet peeve of casting women significantly younger than the male lead as love interests. Was no woman over 40 available? Clearly not.

Side note, after watching Master and Commander I thought, “That was a pretty good Star Trek movie”

I’ll check out the first episode in case it’s different, but that’s what I’m expecting. It’s especially annoying because Star Trek has made a point of being progressive.

I think I’ll skip Orville, because it looks like EVERY other show MacFarlane makes: Schlubs acting sexist, women that are shrews & plenty of gay panic jokes.

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”

Also a military man (John Kelly) was just made his chief of staff (hadn’t read that story when I posted that comment), so that would probably gain him some favor back

IMO ANY former POTUS in recent memory would have no problem mercilessly beating the snot out of that fat wad of goo.

I feel ya. When my child was born, my own parents were grieving over the loss of my grandmother. I didn’t get to attend the funeral. I get it and it’s a legit excuse, but I didn’t get the parents staying with me for 2 weeks or helping out right after childbirth. Even asking them to babysit nowadays or visit is a

I think you might have a shitty family, more than anything else.

I never assumed anybody gave a shit about my kid mainly because he’s mine and he’s no one else’s responsibility. I’m not trying to be a downer; that’s reality for me.

A thousand times this. It’s the Dwayne Hoover complex, extended to one’s family. The only real people are me and mine, and everyone else can hang.     

John Mulaney has a bit in one of his standup specials where he says that he grew up before children were special, and I know what he means. I was often allowed to just sort of do as I pleased, and those days are over. However, I think we now live in a time in which only one’s own children have any value. Other

Even a broken, alcoholic Nazi clock is right twice a day.

I feel like these two pictures are more relevant now than ever

Steve Bannon reportedly called Paul Ryan “a limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation,”