
God forbid they spend one minute participating in an activity that doesn’t specifically revolve around feeding them sexually, emotionally, or spiritually!!!

They start at a grand, not to mention they are pre-ordered and not usually picked up until a monthish from the wedding, leaving no opportunity to order another one.

Holy Shit, they did it, they really did it!!

Note that when Trump says ‘seven years of suffering’, the suffering he’s referring to is that of the wealthy who, as a result of Obamacare, made slightly less than all of the money while sick people got the care they needed. When it is repealed, rich people can finally stop suffering and go back to making almost all

These fuckers need to be charged with treason.

It would be great if some reporter, any reporter, just told Rice Pilaf that no one believes a word he says. Or at the very least question his rationale.

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?

So the pregnant woman lost the fetus at its own party? Ughhhhghsgsvduf.

“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”

Comments like this are why I followed you! 11/10 - Some epic Kinja. ♥

I hadn’t heard about Laci Green and the red pilling until this comment, but I just watched that video and. . . hoo, boy. It seems like there’s a lot of going on in her life. Yikes.

Whoa I’m really surprised about Laci Green. Last I saw years ago, she was fine and popular on the Tumblr-verse.

I’m actually happy for the results of it. No kid should have to go through that manipulation and that abuse just so their parents can be Internet famous. What’s worse are their rabid fans, some of which threatened some of the many people who pointed out the abuse. No, sorry, in no circumstance is any of that okay.

On Wednesday, 19-year-old Monalisa Perez shot her boyfriend, 22-year-old Pedro Ruiz III, in the chest from a foot away with only an encyclopedia covering his body, killing him.

Not a Darwin he has two kids, his genes have spread.

What, you mean that a .50 caliber pistol round, designed to be primarily used for hunting very big game or punching through substantial body-armour and still injuring or killing the target in warfare, wouldn’t be stopped by a fucking book?

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.

Man, if that video goes viral Samara is going to have to hire a couple hundred interns to keep up with her work schedule.