Having survived 3 moves in the past 10 years, my rules for books are thus:
Having survived 3 moves in the past 10 years, my rules for books are thus:
These two essays, both written by women who identify as demisexual, are both highly compelling and highly self-aware:
I think you misunderstood me: I’ve never really had an interest in sex. I was never a horndog, not in my youth, not with the “right partner”, not now.
I’ve used “demisexual” or “gray-A” to describe myself, mostly because as I’ve gotten older, it seems that my attraction really does seem to work a little differently than my friends’ does. I don’t think it’s oppressed or belongs in the DSM or needs a flag or whatever, but it’s nice to be able to have a term that sums…
The majority of the population totally experiences sexual attraction based on physical characteristics. Demisexuals are wired in such a way that a person’s physical appearance doesn’t register at all, so they have to get to know a person before those thoughts spring up. Whereas most people use physical/sexual…
Trump’s nauseatingly response of “Good Luck” before heilcoptering away to Camp David (I think it was), is all the more disgusting.
They are so tough in their gangs at their backs - I mean the police, of course. One fired a gun, those animals beat our brother and the cops watched it all happen, while probably thinking - “we’re missing out on all this action”.
You fucking sack of shit:
Part of it is also that they have spent a bajillion dollars raising their safety standards and reducing pollutants, all of which now goes to waste if there’s no rules to enforce. It’s basically what happened with the FDA dropping the regulation to put calorie counts on fast food - all the science was done, the menus…
I wasn’t around for this one, but my grandmother is from the UK and her house was covered with all the comparative plates, and tea sets, and knick knacks for everything from the weddings to coronations to anniversaries, so I grew up surrounded by the royal family. I was in college when Kate and Wills got married and I…
remember when ben carson removed brain surgeon from consideration as a basis for intelligence?
Also you know that when these guys suggest an open relationship they usually mean “let me fuck around so i’m not technically a cheater,I know you probably aren’t going to fuck around too”. Watch how fast he would want to be monogamous again if she didn’t start seeing other guys frequently...just saying.
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to…
Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.
I was going to say this, too.
I am frankly pissed off that I did not know this before this week. I assumed - you know what they say about assuming! - that public statues of this sort MUST be unique, handmade artworks (despite representing something terrible). On this basis I ASSumed that they had some merit that made them worth saving, if only in…
I feel ya. When my child was born, my own parents were grieving over the loss of my grandmother. I didn’t get to attend the funeral. I get it and it’s a legit excuse, but I didn’t get the parents staying with me for 2 weeks or helping out right after childbirth. Even asking them to babysit nowadays or visit is a…