
Excuse me, but as a matter of decorum expected of ex-Presidents and their spouses, they are at a ceremony for the peaceful transition of power-no more, and no less. You don’t have to like Trump (I sure as fuck don’t), but you can at least respect the office this far.

Victim: Help! I was raped by a police offic-
Republican: No you weren’t.

It’s probably a celebrity thing, but this IS possible at the very end of the night on a weekday if you have employees who just want you to be happy. I did it once with Pirates and my 3 year old was in heaven. I’ve also done it on Splash Mtn.

Can only speak for WDW but at certain times of the year, certain times of day, yes, you can absolutely go on the same ride over and over without (much of a) wait.

C.J. didn’t bother asking Bieber for the money because he “didn’t want to bother him.”

I guess I am looking at the why/root as a way of understanding why it continues and propagates so much. It seems like it is a problem all over the world. Like I said, I can’t wrap my head around it in any way. Outside of sexism, it just seems stronger and more persistent than any of the other forms of discrimination.

The Firefly thing is sort of like Tarzan. Proof that the ‘white guy’ is inherently superior. I know that is not what Whedon was saying, but that’s how these insecure ass-hats view it.

It’s the “Wild West, laws be damned” aspect that appeals to him.

I find it fascinating how these guys consume media. Richard Spencer (leader of the”alt-right” ) claims his favorite show is Firefly. Trump claims his favorite movies is CitIzen Kane (He identifies with Kane).

How are their brains processing that media into something that doesn’t chafe against their ideology? The Trump

I recall discussing books in college, where we had to interpret what the author meant - which things were symbolism, examples of allegory, etc. I can’t imagine arguing directly with the author about what they wrote. Author: “I intended the stroller on page 55 to be a representation of the struggles of youth against

Don’t these guys also love The Matrix, which is a movie about a half-Asian guy, a black man, and a woman fighting an army of white dudes? (Which was made by a couple of men who later became transgender women.)

Nobody embraces deprecation better.

Libertarians are navel-gazers who think that everyone should just believe and behave like they do. They’re like children, but without even the smallest shred of empathy.

Now playing

Don’t feel so bad. He was not the first to get the “Who....?” treatment with Billy.

And this is why I think libertarians are basically bullshit.

John Oliver is British, so he probably finds this reception to be a comforting reminder of his rightful place in the universe.

In the world of late night, John Oliver is a total Who - as is every other white guy with a slot in prime time.

I would have assumed it was already illegal to wildly discharge a weapon in a residential area, but you know what they say about assuming....

Sure, but can’t we agree that people who fire guns in the air in celebration should be beaten within an inch of their life? Or at the very least be mocked and ostracized by everyone else.