
It’s not mine, but I wish it was

Except her feelings are not wrong. Her outlook is wrong. She wants someone to love, but is convinced it won’t happen. She wants to settle with that fact so she can’t feel more disappointment if she keeps hoping but never finds love. If you lower your expectations you will feel like you haven’t fallen so short.

Gerrymandering, stripping powers from elected officials, and other shenanigans is hijacking and destroying democracy. If you think things are working as intended in NC may I suggest having your head in the sand isn’t the way to see clearly.

Oh I live in this state and I’m planning on volunteering during the next mid term for who ever runs democrat in our state. But this situation would have been avoided if us democrats/liberals would have been voting between 2010 and 2012, elections. We fell asleep those years and those bastard republicans took us to

This isn’t how a liberal democracy works. This is how illiberal democracies work. But when Americans say “democracy”, they mean the former.

This is how Aleppo happens. We should avoid armed insurrection at all costs.

Somthing I’ve been mulling over; at a certain point, if all democratic and legislative avenues close for the actual will of the people (gerrymandering, etc.), the only avenue left might be armed insurrection. So (speaking as a Canadian), it will be interesting if the Republicans do a 180 on gun control, because an

Honestly, I don’t blame you at all.

Deeply entrenched gerrymandering coupled with a DNC that abandoned Dean’s 50-state Strategy...

That’s true. I live in one of those states that for most of my life has alternated between GOP and Democratic governors, but in recent years, the GOP has amassed an 80% majority in the state senate and a 70% majority in the state house (like so many plains states, the rural areas have a disproportionate amount of

I’ve lost my mind at this point. I genuinely hope some of these people are assassinated. I hate myself for feeling this way. It is not a choice.

Yeah, this. “You fucked up my truck!” is a lot easier to process in the moment than, “Holy Shit, you nearly killed me!”

If I was in an accident that serious that wasn’t my fault, I’d be irate at the driver. Especially if I had others in my vehicle who could have been injured. He made sure no one in either vehicle was seriously hurt. I’m not going to judge someone in shock after being a very serious accident.

I loved the OA, but the ending was either terrible or just flew right over my head...and I’M A SMART PERSON. -_-

100% this. Like I guarantee you, “You fucked up my truck!” were just the first words to come out of his mouth, but on the inside, he was scared and shaken as fuck. It most definitely can come out as irrational misdirected anger.

I notice you didn’t bold the part that doesn’t fit your chosen narrative:

If you think Stranger Things went on for too long, you should check out The OA. It’s only like 6ish hours, doesn’t feel stretched out out all:)

The fact that he was mad about someone flipping his truck makes you not care about him? It seems that he was fine and his gf was fine, he expressed concern for the passengers of the uber, and got mad at the other driver who (seemingly) caused a serious accident. His anger seems pretty understandable... the fact that

Very this.

You lost me at Westworld and Arrival. Both phenomanal. You cray cray!