
This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

Watching Lyanna Mormont eviscerate the cowardly liege-lords was almost as satisfying as watching Paul Atreides’ sister Alia call out Baron Harkonnen, the Emperor, and the Reverend Mother.

The brief moment Luke Cage turned into the old Powerman. It was pretty funny.

Did you lose power before you finished the Best part of the list? Because this wasn’t in there.

May I submit:

Still not as scary looking as these two

Let’s not be xenophobic. These are the closest things to aliens we probably have on our planet, other than James Carville. Is this how we will respond to actual aliens, if they look all freaky deaky to us?

Ive read that the passengers are supposed to wake up four months before arrival to re-acclimate themselves, hence the amenities

Perfect film for the dawning of the Trump age of SF.

If it took a team to put someone in stasis, wouldn’t also take a team, or at least someone, to get him out of stasis?

It’s just boys being boys, you see. He just couldn’t help himself!

I think they’re saying that, with 90 years left in the trip, Lawrence is going to die of old age prior to getting to the planet that she’d signed onto the trip originally to settle.

A lot of people have been saying “But he was super lonely! He was desperate for human contact!”. I could kiinda seeing that being acceptable except for this

Its murder because she is supposed to be awaken when the ship is reaching its destination. She didn’t sign up to be in a dead pact with Pratt on the ship.

But he doesn’t do ANY of the good things. He doesn’t volunteer, he doesn’t treat people with respect, etc. So, he’s casually racist and an as@hole.

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

I generally agree, but considering the way his poll numbers did tank after the pussy grabbing tape came out, it doesn’t seem impossible that this being released just a couple of days before the election might have swung the election given it was so close in those states. White Republican women may have stayed away

Was it ever proven that it wasn’t Marla Maples?

If they’re under NDAs from a notoriously litigious and vindictive bully, I can see it.

Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.