
Well done on getting clean. Sadly there are probably another million people with pretty much the same story just in the US. Now these vultures wast to expand that.

Word. I’m grateful that when I shattered my ankle in a fall my doctors did not prescribe oxy, they started with a low dose of pain killers, and they encouraged me to wean myself off as soon as I could. I’m also lucky, opioids make me nauseous so I don’t see the draw of recreational use. And once a doctor said that

Congratulations on your sobriety. My partner took prescribed opioids for about 4 months and it nearly wrecked our marriage (and plumbing) the personality changes and mood swings were hell. He luckily got surgery and was able to wean off. He says he’ll never take them again

Yeah not taking oxy after the 5 surgeries on my shoulder was probably the best decision I ever made in my life.

Fuck this.

Unbelievable. If I recall correctly, from what I’ve read the whole “opiophobia” bullshit was used in the US in the 90s and is part of what got us into this whole disaster currently.

Oh, it could be a little late for that!

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

Probably it would be a good idea now to stop formulating absurd hail mary plays to overturn this election and instead concentrate of making sure the right people win the NEXT couple.

My cousin used to be a total wangster, but after his 3rd round of parole they put him on some farm where he decided he was instead a racist redneck. He used to be all on the cutting edge, now he pretends not to know how to access facebook on his phone.

She’s quieter than her son, but still a white supremacist. She was part of this effort by white supremacists to establish an all-white enclave in this corner of Montana that started about 30 years ago. Thousands of them have come to Whitefish, a nearby town called Kalispell, and the rural area around both towns.

Her house is listed as the office for Spencer’s National Policy Institute. So. Yeah. There’s that.

No one gonna point out the white supremist saying “Ayo-it’s that time, fam”?

What the ever loving fuck!!!! How are 90% of Americans not rioting in the streets about this?!!!!!!!!!!

Give it time. From Federalist #59:

My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal

Last night was simply an amazing SNL. Most due to Keenan, Kate and Chance.

Of course he does. And Trump is (again) being a six year old telling China, “well we don’t WANT the drone back anymore so THERE.

So, how is Trump not being investigated for treason? This really looks a lot like a conspiracy between billionaires to give control of America’s resources and political offices to a hostile foreign government.