
My at the time girlfriend broke her arm snowboarding, and they asked her a dozen times if I did it (I wasn’t present when they asked her)

Partner went to *every* medical appointment. Doctors all thought and said he was wonderful and so involved! As he was a medical professional too, they thought he was a real swell guy for making my appointments a priority.

I’m surprised by all the negativity - hair stylists were involved in the creation of this law, and support it. Also, there is no requirement to report, no requirement to act, no requirement to ask - it just gives training because hair stylists may well be on the front line of hearing about abuse. Women do not always

I gave birth a few months back (four months and a day, but who’s counting...), and in the bathroom at the labor ward there was a wardrobe where they kept all of the maternity pads. I went to get one and there was a card fastened to the inside of the door that said “turn this card over to the blank side if you are

Would you say that about mandatory reporters, too?

Yes. I’m re-reads the The Crucible, because it is time to remember what standing up on the right side of history looks like. And going to re-watch it too, because Daniel Day Lewis kills it 1000%.

Good for them! I feel like we are going to live through McCarthyism, v. 2.0, and we will be judged by future generations on whether we stood up, or stood by while this mess goes down the assembly line.

And maybe engage in a few scare tactics like they do. Republicans try to convince voters that liberals are coming for their guns? You tell them that Republicans are coming for their health care, their pensions, and their social security. They’re against a fair pay for a day’s work. They’re protecting the companies

See also, Rape; rape followed by murder; honor killings; acid attacks; female genital mutilation.

See: Murder/Suicide, arson, Murder/Suicide/Arson

Hey, it’s worked for them for a really long time. If no one is going to punish them for their actions, you can’t expect them to change.

White Man Rule No. 4: If you can’t have something, ruin it for everyone else.

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

It really seems like Cho brazenly misrepresented their conversation. Huh! Not a good look

Saying their #3 priority is the nation feels wrong to me. I’d think #3 would be getting their kids cushy jobs through unethical political practices. I’ll give you #1 being themselves as ‘having all the money’ falls under that I feel. The nation being #4 still feels too... close to being important and they don’t seem

The telling part is that Russia hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They only released the DNC information, which means they are blackmailing the Republicans to get their way. And as we all know Republican priorities are 1) themselves, 2) the party, and 3) the nation.

As a teacher who works a half hour from Sandy Hook, I agree completely. If I ever encountered one of these “truthers,” I would just dissolve into a screaming mess.

Fuck. This...fuck.