
My theory: Princess/General Leia is Snoke.

I’m here for Finn/Poe!

But this isn’t just this movie. The “white genocide” cretins from before The Force Awakens came out. The misogynistic idiots who boycotted Mad Max: Fury Road. And the complete, illogical, mother of all temper tantrums over this year’s Ghostbusters. And that’s just the movies, not stuff like cases of whenever a woman da

I’ve had this conversation twice with MATURE guy friends this season, specifically about money and how the genders view money. I said “For women money means independence, for men it means identity”.


Now playing

Baby Groot dances for about 10 minutes when the music starts in the overall room one, and he dances at the end of the close-up one.

I am left wondering why the Guardians of the Galaxy’s spaceship has a fireplace. And if this isn’t a fireplace, what the hell is it supposed to be?

i can only imagine somebody thought “this is pretty cheap, moderately clever, and somebody will probably write a blog post or two to promote it for free”

I am left wondering why the Guardians of the Galaxy’s spaceship has a fireplace. And if this isn’t a fireplace, what the hell is it supposed to be?

Should we call this the Marvel Hearth & Home series?

I think Thor killed and skinned the Coca-Cola polar bear...

I’ve seen this mindset a number of times, and it seems to me that it’s a deeply ingrained way of thinking for some people, and responsible for so, so much of the horrible shit that people think, say and do. People are in essence linking their sense of self to how horrible they can be to a random subset of humanity.

I just hope that Star Wars: Episode VIII – Full of Gays handles gender and sexuality more tastefully than Episode I handled racial stereotypes.

I’m stuck trying to figure out the statement “if women can do the same as men, what’s the point?” What is your point?

I had a college educated woman before the election tell me that women couldn’t be president because they didn’t have the brain for it...

I’m British. The Daily Mail is also, sadly, British. I can confirm that these fucktwollops are realistic representations of said newspaper’s millions-strong readership.

Save the Rebellion. Save the dream.

A friend of mine at work won’t stop pointing out that even his wife is “tired of female leads” in movies. Like, you know, it’s this big fad that everyone is doing all of a sudden. I don’t know what’s worse, the people that are totally upfront about their shitty ideals or the people that are for the most part good

That’s the sad thing I think we have hit a satirical singularity where by satire and real comment are now indistinguishable from each other. The end is nigh

Thanks, Trump!

I don’t know. I’m ready to root for John McClane 10 minutes into Die Hard, whereas I’m still waiting for a character I care about to show up on The Walking Dead.