
These movies;

also, thought of snowpiercer as soon as I saw The header pic, thank you sir

the popular brunch food usually scarfed down by 20-somethings wasted on overpriced mimosas

(a handy roadmap to purge federal employees because of their political beliefs)

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

I’m also an atheist. I believe deeply in arguing with people on the terms that they’ve set out. This is the best example of this.

They actually kind of have to adopt the trappings of a religion to fight the way they do; a lot of Republicans like to pull out the “freedom of religion, not freedom from religion” card, and argue that Athiesism isn’t a religion, and therefore isn’t covered by religious liberty laws. So they pretend to be religious,

Yeah I’m an atheist and I fully support these people. It sucks to have to use “religion” as a manipulation tool but I’m a fight fire with fire sort of person.

Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.

Y’know, I am an atheist. I believe that most of TST folks are, too. So I want to get all criticizey on them and say “Hey, don’t use satire to try to make your point, just use honest argument”. But y’know what? Their shit works. And it seems like it’s often the only thing that does, particularly with this sort of

My step-sister asked me what my religious views are this week. Guess I just figured them out!

I’m thinking a $100 000 bond is way too little. Wasn’t there a similar case recently where the man posted bond, then returned to finish the job?

Whenever I put my feet up on the coffee table theres a breeze that hits the underside of my legs and makes them cold. My current solution is to make an ungainly attempt at burritoing myself with my standard blanket, but I would kill for a mermaid cocoon. 

We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.

I don’t think anyone is complaining about the death of the farming industry, what I do hear a lot of, is people lamenting the loss of coal mining jobs and other industrial positions. I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who, after decades of slow decline, haven’t moved into a new industry and insist on

Most of this decade has been pretty sad, technologically.

What have we seen since 2010 that’s been revolutionary (and not in a sarcastic way)? A wristwatch that connects to your cell phone? Large scale adoption of consumer 3D printers? 4K TVs?

I’m reaching. Seriously, I can’t think of a single innovation in this decade

“We keep hearing about the rate of technological change and how it’s increasing so rapidly that humans can barely catch up. Which is, of course, bullshit.”

Nearly all the functionality they talk about in the video is on our secured phones (which can be secure with biometrics) and apps. It’s not embedded in a chip in our arm, but there. The home automation is also in place is not universally adopted (or affordable). The only reason this video is depressing is because

In 2007, the average Joe did not use the internet on his phone. Now almost everyone in the US has a smartphone and we are at or near the point where more people spend more time browsing the web on phones than with desktop computers/laptops. To me, it’s a really huge change to the way we live and it happened super fast.

Any time a rough equivalent of “where’s my flying car” gets tossed around, I can’t help but think that carrying around the collected sum of human knowledge in my pocket at all times is a pretty neat consolation prize.