
I think he’s saying that’s it would make her a trite cliche; she’d be like the fictional trope of the woman who would sacrifice her whole world for a man she’s only just met (think Ariel in Little Mermaid). A character who is going to do what Diana needs to in order to become Wonder Woman has to be motivated by

Well, I’m agnostic for one reason: people are dumb. I mean, I look at religions and they really, really, REALLY look to be made up by a bunch of very human men a long time ago to, at best, help influence people to be less savage, but far more likely to control poor people. There doesn’t seem to be a strong enough

Every study I’ve seen, as well as all my anecdotal evidence, indicates that women’s sexuality tends to be much more fluid much more often than men’s in every aspect including orientation.

I was waiting for Ruby to point this out to Dre. She laid blame on Bow, but honestly, their faith is kind of a background thing for the Johnsons. We’ve seen Dre talk more about being a sneakerhead than being a Christian.

I have to say that that “body double” was funnier than fuck! I need to watch her whenever she is on.

Whoa there! Careful, friend...

It took me a long time to shrug off the religious trappings of my childhood and culture. Even when I’d be publicly declaring my atheism I’d sometimes temper or adjust it to agnosticism, out of that ingrained fear that the whole idea might be true.

I’m an atheist but I still say things like “Thank you, god.” It doesn’t mean anything. They’re just words I’ve learned to say as instinctual reactions. Other things I say include: “You need Jesus” and “Yas, gawd” and “Praise Jesus” and “omg” and of course

I always wondered about that argument from Cons that black people voted for Obama bc he’s black..... Why wouldn’t the black community throw their entire support behind Ben Carson then and switch parties? That’s how shallow that “logic” is. Oh and also to imply that black ppl are too stupid to make up their own minds

If you’re religious enough to be cruel to your child over their lack of belief, that’s enough religious for me.

I grew up a black kid in New York City, but my parents were both from the south. My mom made me go to church but I’ve been an atheist since I was 9. Nearly all of my family lives in the south and they are deeply religious. I’ve spent most of my life wondering if I’d be a Christian if my parents decided to stay down

Jessica Ritter isn’t missing that show at all.

Haven’t seen it yet but did they broach the fact that in an earlier episode it was revealed the family weren’t regular church-goers? Not that that’s a deal-breaker on religious “devotion” but that episode made it clear they weren’t going to become everyday churchgoers and deeply religious.

My main theory is that Handler intimidated Coulter on some level. But I also think this is yet another example of how a woman in a given situation will more often than not disrespect the woman before disrespecting a man in the same role. So I’m not surprised that she doesn’t cancel on Maher.

The fact that Christie heads the Trump “transition team” is what kills me - he appointed him before the primary was even over, and THIS GUY is supposed to be hiring people for a presidential administration? This crook whose corrupt Jersey toilet stank can be gagged on all the way over here on the west coast?

I would have loved to see a Handler/Coulter fight, mainly because they’re both more than willing to “fight ugly.” Handler is the only female interviewer I know who’d be more than happy to stoop to Coulter’s level of unrepentant squalor.

I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.

Because we don’t want to believe the devil is real and walking the earth, like Antonin Scalia did.

So Coulter really is Serena Joy??!