

Or a Fury*, or Black Panther, or Falcon, or Cyborg, or War Machine...

Do you know the actual story behind this scene? If not, pretty cool stuff. All the more for the feels.

It’s called pump-storage hydroelectricity. As I understand it, the challenge is fundamentally that you need a lot of water to store energy. This means it’s best for places that already have a) a lot of excess water available, and b) some place suitably large and elevated to store the water. I would imagine Japan

I cannot watch that episode anymore. I once saw my little sister was watching it, and I started crying before it even got to that scene. She joined me in the tears when that line hit.

A super hero for just wearing this.....

It’s not quite the same, but there are adult superhero outfits for cold weather. I have this one.

The Starfire coats were recalled due to worries about hypothermia liability.

If a Whedon show breaks your heart “out of nowhere” then you didn’t know you were watching a Whedon show.


I still do. My girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me not long after this episode aired, so it became like my anthem for weeks, and was an oft revisited song in breakups over the next couple of years.

Scrubs as well.

Weird idea, but hear me out. Batteries are largely considered the crutch here. 50 years of power is a LOT of batteries.

MASH, when Radar reads the telegram that Col. Henry Blake died in a plane crash. No one speaks and the camera pulls back.

Now playing

The end of Tabula Rasa, from Buffy Season 6. It is the episode whe Tara (rightfully) breaks up with Willow over the later’s magic (read: drug) abuse problem.

Doesn’t Florida get 4 tropical storms on average per year, though?

I don’t know that the winds here in Florida are strong enough for something like this. Plus, this is the first year in 11 years that a hurricane hit Florida directly. That being said, the much more compact design of a vertical wind turbine when compared to a conventional turbine would allow turbines to be located on

Shimizu’s calculations show that a sufficiently large array of his turbines could capture enough energy from a single typhoon to power Japan for 50 years.

If they follow kinja deals, they can get some Anker products which are on sale 100% of the time, just an idea.

Isn’t the bottle neck for most renewable energy sources the battery/storage? Collecting enough energy to power Japan for 50 years in one storm is nice, but it means diddly if there isn’t a reliable way to store that massive amount of electricity in one go.